Australians - Where are you all????

Oh, yes, school: what a horror! Thank goodness holidays are coming up!

Only 2.5 more years to endure, then I can get out and start living a real life

Ahah! That's what it stands for! Thanks. I don't have my bank statement on me, and online banking is what I'm trying to set up so I'm just going to wing it and go with what I guess it is
If it's wrong, it will hopefully tell me and not throw me in jail for bank fraud.
Its asking you to register with a BSB number? Not an member number or a CRN Number?

Hold on will PM you a page i found that might help

Just 1.5 years left of school for me till i either go to CIT( TAFE ) or Uni, leaning towards CIT to be a veterinary Nurse.
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Oh, it wants my account number too, as well as some other details... it must not be the kind of online banking you're thinking of: it's just one of those where you feed money into a savings account and it sits there collecting interest. Interest, that's basically what I'm after

I'm not sure where I will go after school. Hmm... I have my sights set on Uni, but there is no way I'm going to be able to pay for it. I'm looking into this HECS thing I hear about.

Veterinary nurse? That's a good one! Always good to do something to help others!
I'm a bit more selfish than that. I want to get a career as ... perhaps... an airline pilot, or a stockbroker. Just some ideas
Oh something in Business? Have you looked through TAFE courses?
There are some good ones there they do a variety of things, it's cool.
I'm thinking of heading straight to Uni, TAFE has never appealed to me for some odd reason!

Wow, so many threads I'm talking on... I'd better head over to the one place now, or I will soon be swamped in posts to reply to.
Feel free to join us!
EEEEEEERGH! You are from Sydney too!!

Awesome place, isn't it, when there aren't protests being staged on the Harbour Bridge

Its nearly Friday... What are peoples plans for the weekend??? I just want to sleep...and spend time with the ducks this weekend I think.. i wouldnt mind a night up at my block of land though..
No plans, no shows, but have a lousy cold!
so bed sounds good!Can tuck up with my new Silkie book - anyone heard of Sigrid Van Dort? She is "THE" Silkie person,and the book is just beautiful,lots of pictures of beautiful silkies!

Bought 2 white runner ducks today! Both girls,as company for Harry,they are actually originally from NSW,very young,so Harry will have to wait awhile to be with them,but he can admire from a distance!
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