Australians - Where are you all????

The weather can sometimes be cruel like that. Hope you get some respite soon.

Speaking of rain, there have been odd showers down here today. Sudden change from yesterday's scorching clear blue skies.
ray's two cents :

The weather can sometimes be cruel like that. Hope you get some respite soon.

Speaking of rain, there have been odd showers down here today. Sudden change from yesterday's scorching clear blue skies.

hi ray & guinea, what happnen? just bough some more chick feed for my newly hatched chicks and a chick waterte and tried to look for a chick feeder but they didn't have the kind i was looking for. also bought something for crops as one of my chook pens has scaly leg mite in it and some of the chooks got it, so i gotta put vaseline on thier legs, which i haven't been kepping up with!

but anyway, i sprayed it around the pen, this ZEUS stuff. by tomorrow it should be dry. if it isn't i am going to be p****d!!! she has 7 chicks and herself and there isn't enough room and if there is any wet stuff left it will kill them!
so i better make sure it wont kill them, but the person selling it was a real country person so they would be honest, and we know them... oh well. see how things go.
so what happenig at you guys places? have i asked that twice!
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Looks like more rain coming here. We had nearly 4" last week, things are just finally drying out and it's supposed to start today and rain every day for a week. Time to fit my chickens with flippers I think.
I have tarps up everywhere, looks like tent city out back. I've decided once I get my new engine, new coops are a priority.

Speaking of the engine, I've got my car booked in for a new engine in a couple of weeks, put a serious crimp in the budget, that's for sure. Poor girl though, with over 500,000km on the clock I'll forgive her for being a bit tired. Opinions seem to be evenly split between 'She's worked hard, she deserves it.' to 'Your crazy! Just buy a new car.' I guess it would be crazy if I hadn't spent so much on keeping her going over the last couple of years. Almost the only old bit left is the body.

How is everyone's hatching going? I have a broody at the moment and I'm debating popping eggs in the incubator. I'm kinda afraid I'll keep hatching roos at the rate I was before. I have at least 20 of them to deal with at the moment, I keep looking at them wondering how I ended up with so many and so few pullets. At least my pullets are laying now so I'm getting a decent number of eggs to cover some of the feed bill. I'm trying to decide which roos to keep, there are so many pretty ones.

I had planed to hatch some Araucana eggs from my nasty roo but he was so bad at the end I'm not sure I want to take a chance on more with his temperament. I would like some more for colored eggs though, I'll have to decide soon.

Ducky, I could sure use some of your ducks at the moment, the rain has brought out heaps of snails and slugs. They are showing way to much interest in my veggie patch. Freshly planted seedlings, nom, nom, nom.
Wow, you've been busy.
I don't believe we've met, hi.
It was raining like crazy all day, but I've been inside on BYC
Chickens getting soaked outside, but they love it, little wackos
no, she's a bantam. but yeah she sure can fluff up!

Is it your pic? Or do you get the info on them somewhere?
What a sight.
ray's two cents :

no, she's a bantam. but yeah she sure can fluff up!

Is it your pic? Or do you get the info on them somewhere?
What a sight.

what do you mean??? i took the photo and they are mine.
chickendales is trying to say only one of them is silkie. i showed a pic of the two mums and dad, see what he has to say about that! i bred them! he didn't!
Is it your pic? Or do you get the info on them somewhere?
What a sight.

what do you mean??? i took the photo and they are mine.
chickendales is trying to say only one of them is silkie. i showed a pic of the two mums and dad, see what he has to say about that! i bred them! he didn't!

No, the pic of the week, the one at the top of the forum index, with the hen and the chicks

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