Australians - Where are you all????

Don't we all.

not as bad as mine

and i looked at the stuff for sale on your website!
$40 a doz. dont you think 20 is more like it? and $10 a chick! OMG. 3 is better.
not being rude here either

well I spent $75 on this lot thats in the incubator. And only two are developing. These chicks are going to be $37.50 chicks. And lonely might be the only one, thats a $75 chick. It better not be a roo.
You're selling Lonely?! Aww, I was looking forward to seeing her grow up!
I guess I'm not used to people having chickens as a business. They've always been our pets and egg sources
Hey CM glad ur flock is ok. Love my NewHams. Great ur using Buffy

Sat down on crate in pen today while my girls ate silverbeet plant I pulled up for them. Looked at BYC posts on mobile n looked down n 3 of the little darlings were nestled down in the straw beside me. So chuffed!!! Normally they're mostly moving round run or in coop. So happy. Was heartwarming!
Aw that's really sweet, your girls love you!
And why wouldn't they when you pull up fresh silverbeet for them!

So far my girls don't seem to understand the pecking order. They've totally accepted the new flock. It's just one big happy family

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