Australians - Where are you all????

I used to be a bird carer.
Just put the bird in a cardboard box with water for a few hours, then offer it food.
Can you post a picture of it so I can get the full extent of the injuries.
Hey guys

I sometimes wonder what I'm doing on this forum really.
The only thing that seems to connect me to everyone else is that we all have chickens....
Anyhow, sorry to hear about that galah. I like galahs. There are lots that fly around our street, must be the trees we have. There was a dead one at the side of the road the other day, not sure how it was killed.
its been ok poor galah it is sad to see animals hurt

yeah, its only a juvinele (bad spelling0 so its life is kinda wasted...

Hi Y'all....hows things??

My cute little fluffy boy is starting to get a bit rough with me now...

When I put him down in the coop with the girls (cos I keep him in the garage overnight) in the morning he has taken to bighting me.

He drew blood this morning, the nasty little..... He still likes a cuddle & pat, but Im thinkn it might be because the girls are gettn bigger
& hes starting to get protective of his space??
Hes all calm & fine while I hold him....its just when I put him on the ground. So after the
second nip, I gave him a little smack on his back... hehe
He didnt do anything after that. If he tries it again, I will be smackn his little butt
next time... hes just tooooo cute to be turning nasty!!
ray's two cents :

That voice of hers gives me the shivers.
And to think she's representing US to the rest of the world. Scary. And did you like the time she was doing that speech and said "with miy dreadful Auuuuustralian accent". I was thinking, just yours Julia, just you.

I don't tend to listen to her speeches for obvious reasons, but that sounds like one cringe-worthy moment

She also talks infuriatingly slowly.
It's like she's trying to savour every word she speaks as PM because she knows she's going to be booted out next election

Gillard is an embarrassment to Australians. She walks like an ape, talks like a hick & dresses like my grandmother....embarrassing.
I don't tend to listen to her speeches for obvious reasons, but that sounds like one cringe-worthy moment

She also talks infuriatingly slowly.
It's like she's trying to savour every word she speaks as PM because she knows she's going to be booted out next election

Gillard is an embarrassment to Australians. She walks like an ape, talks like a hick & dresses like my grandmother....embarrassing.

so darn true!

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