Australians - Where are you all????

That's all right. I can't watch Youtube anyhow, it uses up too much internet quota.
Bad news.

Miss broody has decided to not be broody. Just like that. In a matter of minutes. So Lonely had been playing musical broodies. I think she's tested out about five so far. She was going good with the silver laced Wyandotte then I moved her and the nest she was in into the brooder thing I made. She didn't like it and jumped off. So now I've left the nest there and have put a light Sussex in there and she seems to be comfortable.
I just hope she stays and that lonely is alright.
I was/am seriously deciding whether it would just be better to put her back in the incubator. If this hen doesn't work out then I will.
I went to check Lonely.
The hen was pacing at the door. I opened it and instantly smelt egg.
I looked in the nest and there were broken eggs. ( I put seven eggs in there that were laid today to make the hen sit) there were only five. it was darkish but I couldn't recognize Lonely. She'd been eaten I was sure of it.
I ripped the light off the roof and shone it in the box. And I found Lonely.

Needless to say, Lonely has been disinfected and put back in the incubator. I hope she makes it after all these setbacks.
Know little about eggs n broodt hens but maybe there us a chook noises list on BYC chicken behaviors thread or maybe direct that question there or on the broody hen section if they have one. We're such a nice little group but may not have the answer u need n could b important
Hey gang, sorry I've been off the radar lately so haven't really kept up to date on all the goings on. Hope you're all doing well. I heard Lonely's had a rough time, hope she pulls through ok.

Anyway, just had to say that we lost Coco today. The cancer got the better of her the past few days so I'm kind of relieved that she's not suffering anymore. She was a winner though, she held out long enough for Matilda to befriend the new girls so that SHE's not Lonely (we can't have 2 of them now!)

R.I.P. Coco x

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