Australians - Where are you all????

Hi there, I am in brisbane too.... yes that promised rain has not arrived, another hot day today - I have four chickens and most days get 4 eggs.

Hope you enjoy this forum, I have learnt alot from here.


In Perth here and it's so hot so early. 36 today and 37 tomorrow. Our chickies are still in the grower hutch (they're five weeks old), so we've shifted the hutch to out under the bougainvillea which has dense shade and is cooler than the chookshed. Had to enlarge the shed doorway to get it out there!

I'm throwing the hens frozen watermelon and hoping the heat doesn't get to them. Might have to go water that area soon.

Also hoping my tomato plants don't completely frizzle to a crisp. The plan was to construct shadecloth shelters over their beds 'before the real bad heat hits'. Sigh.

Who else is frying?
Welcome Swirler.
It is SO hot here too. Not quite so bad as over your way. But still.
I'm not handling the heat very well at the moment. I was just lying starfish on the floor a few minutes ago
its the coolest part of the house.
I gave my chickens watermelon yesterday, they LOVED it. The silkies were going crazy. It amuses me seeing something so small, cute and fluffy viciously attacking something.

My little chickies are six days old today. I observed this morning that they have doubled their size already. Their fluff is getting longer too, which is strange. It's sort of more like a long haired puppy fur then chick fluff.

A little late I know but here are the videos of Lonely's hatch. I didn't get her popping out. but by the end her head is dangling

And h_palmer, yes you can give chickens baths. Just like a dog. But make sure the shampoo/detergent/soap is relatively non toxic. When your finished, towel dry them and then lock them somewhere they cant dust bath. They're like dogs that way too
This thread has got to be revived! Page three, what on earth is going on here?
*runs around clutching head*

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