Australians - Where are you all????


Wow, that's so true! I had an ear infection and was completely out of commission for two days last week - I actually slept for most of two days! I can't even sleep jet-lagged, so I must have really been sick! - anyway now I have so much schoolwork to catch up on. I'm beginning to think I'm really as crazy as some people say - who in their right mind does two full-load courses? Of course, I wasn't told that they were both full-loads until long after I'd enrolled...

On top of that, I've had three birds die over the past two weeks. One was a six-week-old female quail, due to pecking order, and two were Welsummer chicks, one about three weeks male and one about two weeks female, both due to what I'm terming 'pre-existing medical conditions'. That means that in the case of the male, I'd already noticed some trouble with his joints. I wouldn't be surprised if he'd had Mar Phan's disease (flexible ligaments - I have a friend with it and no idea if chickens can have it) as he kept bending his wings into strange positions and could turn his legs the wrong way around. The body was not a pretty sight when I found it. The other one, I have no idea what the matter was but she was just dead one morning, looked like she was sleeping but stone cold, not moving and stiff. The place I got them from has given me some poor-quality birds in the past, telling me the wrong ages, the wrong breeds, not laying well, lice and health issues, so to be honest I wasn't that surprised and I'm definately not buying from him again. The one remaining Welsummer is feathering out as she should but is very small for her age, so I'm worried about that. I've got to wonder if I'm being a bad chicken-mother though.

Anyway... I'll catch up I suppose. In fact, I should log off and do some schoolwork now. I've got so many assessment tasks due. Languages require 5 assessment tasks (text production or writing, text analysis or reading, oral interaction or conversational skills, investigative task, and reflection on the investigative task. Of course, all of the language teachers seem to have decided that leaving the two biggest assessment tasks, the investigation and the reflection, until early Term 2 would be a good idea. I'm doing three languages other than English and I've got two due next week and one due the week after. Argh! At least for one of them I managed to choose a topic I already know a lot about, but it's still a lot to do! Fierlin, I know you're doing the same as me for German... please tell me I'm not the only one feeling so overwhelmed about it?!

I seem to be talking (procrastinating) a lot. One more thing, more chicken-y, before I shut up. I'm going to the Lobethal Poultry Sale on Sunday. I've been told it can get a little overpriced but I want to go and look what's there all the same, maybe purchase some more birds. I've also got two OEG Bantam roosters I need to sell/giveaway. I'd prefer to sell them though. My mother keeps threatening to turn them into stew - I have two many roosters and one of them keeps escaping and coming up to crow on the back verandah.

from Rachel.
I've been to Lobethal before... never for a poultry show though. We just went for a look around I suppose, a bit of a day out. And we have a friend who lives on an apple orchard near there, we went to theirs for dinner once and hiked out into the yonder equipped with ladder and plastic bags to pick some fresh apples. :lol:
Hi Australians and NZers,

I'm new to the forum and looking for some advice on a good place or two in NSW to get chicks or pullets. I am hoping to get just six birds for my backyard, and interested in orpingtons, marans and auracanas. I would ideally like to get them all in one trip, if at all possible. I will be in Sydney, but willing to drive a few hours in any direction.

I have also posted this in the other Australian thread, so sorry for the double post.
Thanks, that is a really good directory! No sellers with all three breeds I'm interested in, but a few that have two out of three. Wish I could join the forum too, but my email domains are all "not allowed" :-(
I joined and added myself in the breeder directory but have forgotten my password. I've tried everything, it's very frustrating, especially when I want to change my information in the directory.
Hi Everyone

I have a question you may be able to help me with. I have 4 Australorps which are going well and they absolutely LOVE my mealworms, can't get enough of them. I've had them now for 5 weeks, they are at point of lay however they still haven't laid an egg.

We are coming into our winter (which is mild) and they have been loosing a few feathers. Does anyone know how long it takes for chickens at point of lay to eventually lay an egg?

This seems to be taking a long time and they are well settled now and use to me. They come up and see if I have anything for them.

Any suggestions would help

Hi Everyone

I have a question you may be able to help me with. I have 4 Australorps which are going well and they absolutely LOVE my mealworms, can't get enough of them. I've had them now for 5 weeks, they are at point of lay however they still haven't laid an egg.

We are coming into our winter (which is mild) and they have been loosing a few feathers. Does anyone know how long it takes for chickens at point of lay to eventually lay an egg?

This seems to be taking a long time and they are well settled now and use to me. They come up and see if I have anything for them.

Any suggestions would help


They could be getting ready to do the "egg song" meaning they will get really clucky and talkative, I would be out on the look for hidden nests if they free range.
My girls lay all through Winter.
If they are molting then you will not get eggs from them. chickens don't lay whilst molting. Also chooks lay less to not at all during winter. Chickens need a certain amount of light a day to make an egg and in winter the days are shorter so egg production drops dramatically. Some people put lights in their coops to counteract the shorter days. I think it's good to give the chooks a break though. At the moment out of my 30ish hens I'm getting 1 egg most days, sometimes 2.
But also, some people are dodgies and sell young chooks as point of lay when they are actually quite a way off laying. Do they look like hens? or still lanky?
I too am waiting for some girls to start laying. My three Australorp girls Lonely, CC and unnamed.

Sorry about not getting the fleece to you. I haven't forgotten, just been super busy.

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