Australians - Where are you all????

I have a friend who has on young hen who has just started to lay, sporadically, about 3 months after two others the same age

she (my friend) was starting to wave the axe
I'm glad it didn't come to that

I'm sure that one of my older girls (the black one) has a little sing song when she just thinks about laying. She seems to think that's enough

I'm soo glad that it didn't come down to that.
Silly chickens have a mind of their own
Hi Im new too joined the forum yesturday. I am also from NSW, Carey Bay so not that far from you. Looking forward to sharing my experiece with my 2 Isa browns. they are just so lovely.
South West Victoria Australia here, end this drop bear thing..koalas do drop out of heaps! I've seen it that many times its not funny anymore..(or anyless). But seriously they do,.not to attack people,just misjudgement of physics. I saw a baby fall from mums back one day,mum came down the safe way and promptly biffed it over the head. PS koalas stink bad and make horrifying screaming and grunting noises..cute but gross at the same time.
South West Victoria Australia here, end this drop bear thing..koalas do drop out of heaps! I've seen it that many times its not funny anymore..(or anyless). But seriously they do,.not to attack people,just misjudgement of physics. I saw a baby fall from mums back one day,mum came down the safe way and promptly biffed it over the head. PS koalas stink bad and make horrifying screaming and grunting noises..cute but gross at the same time.
I am from Victoria as well, the weather has been so cold lately.
I have heard a koala make grunting noise before it sounds like a wild pig
Hi I am from Canberra Australia and new to the site. I have 3 ducks - Boris and Aimee the Runner ducks and Otilia the Muscovy. Currently on the look out for a couple of chickens as well. For anyone that is interested in other animals I also have - 1 Bearded Dragon, Misty; 3 Hermit crabs, Melman, Gloria and Herbet; 2 Whippets, Millie and Jethro; a beagle, Hudson; and 2 cats, Inka and Freya. I also have four children and I do Family Day Care. So now that you know my life story I might get on with reading about all of yours!
Welcome to all the Newbies, hope you enjoy yourselves on this thread and gain lots of know how - there's lots of exciting information to be found on lots of issues. My family consists of 1 dog, 1 parrot, 4 Australorps and 1 silkie, meal worm farm and of course my husband (can't forget him!!!). I'm still waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting for my chickens to lay - so much for "point of lay". Never mind they will lay when they are ready - in the meantime it's still off to the egg man at the markets.
Hi I am from Canberra Australia and new to the site. I have 3 ducks - Boris and Aimee the Runner ducks and Otilia the Muscovy. Currently on the look out for a couple of chickens as well. For anyone that is interested in other animals I also have - 1 Bearded Dragon, Misty; 3 Hermit crabs, Melman, Gloria and Herbet; 2 Whippets, Millie and Jethro; a beagle, Hudson; and 2 cats, Inka and Freya. I also have four children and I do Family Day Care. So now that you know my life story I might get on with reading about all of yours!
Heya :)
Welcome to BYC and the Aussie thread
My family is made up of my Mum, my Brother, 1 cat,1 dog and 10 silkie chickens :)
I hope you enjoy BYC :) if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask.
Hi and welcome, everyone!

As for the Drop Bear thing, I'm convinced they're real. We had a random koala drop down just in front of the car the other day.

And about the noise? When we moved to the country two years ago, my father (who's English, and since moving to Australia has only lived in the city) was convinced that one of our neighbours must have REALLY noisy pigs. It took quite a bit to convince him that no, it's not a pig, it's just that koala in the tree at the bottom of the garden...

Now we've covered that, I'll introduce myself to all the new people!

My name's Rachel (couldn't you guess?), I'm sixteen and I live in the Adelaide Hills with my mother, father, younger sister, and around 50 other creatures. I'm in Year 11 and I study through the Open Access College (correspondence/internet school - Port Augusta SOTA is a part of it). At the moment I'm studying German, French, Spanish, and English (and no, I'm not crazy). I've got my eye on a Poultry Raising course offered by the Australian Correspondence School for next semester.

I recently started 'collecting' chickens for myself and intend to sell the eggs. At the moment, I have 6 lavender Araucana pullets, 6 white Leghorn bantam pullets, 5 Sizzles (I think 4 pullets and a cockerell), 2 Ancona hens, 2 light Sussex cross pullets, 1 ISA Brown/white Leghorn cross pullet, 2 Frizzle roosters, 1 light barred Plymouth Rock cockerell, 1 probably Wyandotte/Rock cross cockerell, 1 probably buff Orp/ buff Cochin cross pullet, 2 ISA Brown chicks, 2 white Leghorn chicks, and 2 Australorp chicks. I think. I also have 7 quails.

My sister, who joined BYC the other day as Jedika98 and who is meant to be introducing herself here, has 4 Muscovies (2 ducks and 2 drakes) and a Khaki Campbell trio. She reckons chicken beaks are too pointy. Our father has 6 ISA Brown hens and 5 white Leghorn hens. Oh, yes... we also have 2 cats, and my sister has 8 rabbits.

Hmm... I think that's everything about me covered. Mostly. And this is a really long post anyway, so I'll wind up.
from Rachel.

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