Australorp vs. Barred Rock


11 Years
Aug 25, 2008
Peoria, IL
Is there a reliable way to tell australorps and barred rocks apart as very small chicks? I have some 1 week old chicks, and I'm not sure which are which, because they both have some white in the feathers that are coming in on their wings. One of the breeds is feathering out and growing much faster than the other. I don't have a picture on hand right now, but I can try to get one if that might help. Thanks.'s been forever since I've had a Black Australorp peep, but they don't have a white spot on the tops of their heads, do they?

How about the legs/feet? Yellow for Barred Rock, Black for Australorp?
I know Barred Rocks have a spot on top of their head.
Im thinking Australorps have more white on them, I think their topsides are black and underneat is most white.
barred rocks tend to be more black
Yep...your barred rock will have a whitish spot on top of her/his head. Your BA will have quite a bit of whitish on the belly, chest, and even around the cheek area...but the top of the head will be black.
Thanks guys! You confirmed what I THOUGHT I had, but I wanted to be sure. Some of them seem to be much more solid black on the back and white on the bottom, so those must be the australorps. The others have a white dot on their heads, and their color is more black with some white mixed in, so those must be the barred rocks. As for the leg color, they all seem about the same right now. I feel like I can sort them out now. Thanks!

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