Australorps breed Thread


I have five 16 week old BA's. They haven't started laying yet, but one of them has the pink waddles and comb. She also has started the beginning of the egg squat, so probably will lay in a couple of weeks?
She is the prettiest with bigger eyes than the other four.

I don't think they sound like ducks, but don't sound like the RIR's I have. They are very quiet and since they don't sound like the "average" chicken I can see why they are called Stealth chickens. A month ago one of my daughter asked me when they were going to sound like chickens. Now they sound like little wild birds. I wonder what my daughters will think when I tell them they will probably sound like ducks soon...

Enjoy the chickens!!

Here are 4 of my Aussies. They came from Duane Urch as an alternative to part of an order. I wasn't pleased at first, but it's turned out to be a good thing. The kids are about 2 months old.
My girlies dont sound like ducks but they often say "hmmmmmm?" "Huhhhhhh?" when they talk to me. It's pretty funny when I ask if they want a treat and they look at me and say "HMMMMM?" like "why would you even ask me that, hmmmmm?" I think that they ask me Hmmm more often then they cluck.
I found a page for posting gender questions, but I thought you all might be the best folks to ask.... I finally found my two Australorp chicks - I had to search high and low for them. One has always been a bit bigger than the other, as was the case for my two Buff Orpingtons. But one has developed a comb and wattles and the other hasn't. Can anyone tell by these pictures if it is a pullet or cockerel? The chick on the left in the bottom photo is the one in question. Oh, they are about 9 weeks old. Come on pullet!!


I have five 19 week old Pullets and four of them have combs and wattles like the one on the left in the bottom picture.

Looks like a roo--looks like saddle feathers at the back which the pullet on the right does not have.

I would wait a couple of weeks though--he should start crowing by then.


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