Australorps breed Thread

ONE ON THE RIGHT (both pics) FINAL TIME, HEN OR ROO? (also same bird in bottom two pics)
just want to be sure. Don't want to send a hen to freezer camp but I just don't have the room, or need to keep two roos over winter. Re-thinking keeping the one I know is a roo anyway because as you can see, that is one rather strange Lorp comb for a bird that was sold to me as off a good show breeder line. No points and too many loops (just finally saw a pic of his daddy who's comb is exactly the same
) I know, it's my own fault for letting the birds be delivered (sort of) and not seeing where they came from. I don't believe I was intentionally deceived, I just don't think this person really knows what an SOP Austalorp is supposed to look like. At least they do appear to be purebred.
Oh, and I definitely do not believe this person knowingly sold me a sick bird either. I totally understand that just happens sometimes. I wonder if they just have more birds than they can realistically properly care for. (from their postings about problems recently on another BYC thread). Anyway, I have made the decision that if I am going to have, and raise, Australorps, they are going to be the best representation of the breed I can manage.

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ONE ON THE RIGHT (both pics) FINAL TIME, HEN OR ROO? (also same bird in bottom two pics)
just want to be sure. Don't want to send a hen to freezer camp but I just don't have the room, or need to keep two roos over winter. Re-thinking keeping the one I know is a roo anyway because as you can see, that is one rather strange Lorp comb for a bird that was sold to me as off a good show breeder line. No points and too many loops (just finally saw a pic of his daddy who's comb is exactly the same
) I know, it's my own fault for letting the birds be delivered (sort of) and not seeing where they came from. I don't believe I was intentionally deceived, I just don't think this person really knows what an SOP Austalorp is supposed to look like. At least they do appear to be purebred.
Oh, and I definitely do not believe this person knowingly sold me a sick bird either. I totally understand that just happens sometimes. I wonder if they just have more birds than they can realistically properly care for. (from their postings about problems recently on another BYC thread). Anyway, I have made the decision that if I am going to have, and raise, Australorps, they are going to be the representation of the breed I can manage.

by the looks of that tail I'd say roo. :( and it's tall looking to.
oops. meant to say the "BEST" representation of the breed I can manage. Thanks guys. You just verified what I already knew but didn't want to admit. Those tail feathers just popped out within the past week. I put an awful lot of time, work, money and heart into saving those two.
I'm just crushed. I know it's silly, but I'm more than a little heart-broken too

Well, now it looks like I start working on talking hubby into a major roadtrip to Mr Urch in Minnesota. Now I think I need to go hide and have a little cry.
oops. meant to say the "BEST" representation of the breed I can manage. Thanks guys. You just verified what I already knew but didn't want to admit. Those tail feathers just popped out within the past week. I put an awful lot of time, work, money and heart into saving those two.
I'm just crushed. I know it's silly, but I'm more than a little heart-broken too

Well, now it looks like I start working on talking hubby into a major roadtrip to Mr Urch in Minnesota. Now I think I need to go hide and have a little cry.
you will be impressed when you raise an Australorp from Mr. Urch, they are remarkable. Kurt has Urch birds check his photos there might be some pics on RattlesnakeridgeWV
oops. meant to say the "BEST" representation of the breed I can manage. Thanks guys. You just verified what I already knew but didn't want to admit. Those tail feathers just popped out within the past week. I put an awful lot of time, work, money and heart into saving those two.
I'm just crushed. I know it's silly, but I'm more than a little heart-broken too

Well, now it looks like I start working on talking hubby into a major roadtrip to Mr Urch in Minnesota. Now I think I need to go hide and have a little cry.
oh Vicki I am so sorry!
I KNOW how you feel except mine wasn't sick and had to be nursed back to health. (I'm thinking one of them were sick or I may be confusing you with someone else.) Anyway I know how you feel because I had almost 20 cockerels I had to get rid of and I was crying gathering them all up putting them in the pen so the next morning they could go to be sold. I had raised them from babies and I was heart broken because they were going to be someone lunch or dinner.
I know I felt silly to but I raised them from just a few hours old.... and I don't care how silly it may seem to some folks I get attached and I can't help it because I am OCD with what I do with my animals liking them to have clean everything.
Again I am SO SORRY because I KNOW how you feel.
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oops. meant to say the "BEST" representation of the breed I can manage. Thanks guys. You just verified what I already knew but didn't want to admit. Those tail feathers just popped out within the past week. I put an awful lot of time, work, money and heart into saving those two.
I'm just crushed. I know it's silly, but I'm more than a little heart-broken too

Well, now it looks like I start working on talking hubby into a major roadtrip to Mr Urch in Minnesota. Now I think I need to go hide and have a little cry.
Is this a wandette ?

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