Australorps breed Thread

Hey Kurt, man I'm really sorry for your loss. Dundee was an awesome, good looking roo. Those timber rattlers and copperheads are predators that most of us don't have to worry about. I'm sorry you had a lousy year but maybe next year will bring good things. I'm wishing that for you. Keep in touch, my best to your lovely wife.

This is very hard for me to post this, First I lost my awesome cattle dog "KD" (Kurts Dog) in the beginning of this year. Now "DUNDEE" has finally passed away after coming back from being bitten by a timber rattler in early fall, but has never been quite right! I do have one of his sons " MICK" who I will continue to breed with my Duane Urch line hens. I have been looking into a second flock of BA's with a different line, time will tell. Enough with the sad stuff, lets talk BA's, my favorite and awesome breed.
Very sorry to hear of your losses this year.

May 2013 be a much better year for you, and yours.
Hey Kurt, I snapped these with my i phone a while ago; thought it would cheer you up a bit. These are the gals I got from you this fall. What do you think of them now? Not the best photos, but you know how it is when you are trying to get a decent pic, they just won't cooperate!

Somebody get me a good roo for these gals!

For me, it's all about sustainability - eggs, meat, good health. Form follows function - not the other way around. If you breed for the show ring you get show chickens. Can't eat ribbons or trophies. Don't see why we can't have both though. I hear there is a movement in that direction.

All the best, Man.


Hey Kurt, I snapped these with my i phone a while ago; thought it would cheer you up a bit. These are the gals I got from you this fall. What do you think of them now? Not the best photos, but you know how it is when you are trying to get a decent pic, they just won't cooperate!


I know what you mean about them not cooperating for photos, mine certainly don't.

I don't know what Kurt thinks about them but they look good to me. Seem to have a better "smooth curve flow" along the back than my hatchery girls.

Kurt, I too offer my condolences. I watched the video of the Dundee lap dance some time back, it was before I found this forum. Nice boy. Sometimes you wonder why you just can't catch a break. Hoping for better times for you in the very near future.

Hey thanks Bruce. Kurt has some fine birds. Urch bloodline. I only got these from him in one of his rare moments of weakness. HA!
My Australorps have stopped laying. It is winter, but I light on timers, and they free-range and should be happy. I have 20 and haven't had an egg for nearly 3 weeks. I have two dorkings who are laying one a day. Could it be that the australorps are larger birds and need a higher protein diet to produce? Has anyone experienced this issue? Any solutions? Ideas?
My BA pullets were hatched mid-June and haven't started laying yet. I have 2 red sex links about the same age that started laying about a month ago and are each giving me an egg a day. I figure the BAs will start toward the end of February. These are the shortest, darkest days of the year. Along with extended light, try giving them a whole pumpkin to pick at. If you can still find some at markets, take a big ole pumpkin, cut four or five large holes in it, and put it where the birds can get at it. They love the seeds, and will pick it till there's nothing left but the stem.

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