Australorps breed Thread

Spencer, my young rooster, was a rambunxious little turd. He's king of the roost now. Covering one BA pullet, one BSL hen, one RSL hen, and one leghorn hen. At least until I get him some better ladies.
my girls tail is too big for her! She's 11 weeks

It's not drooping because she's a little unwell is it? Or you do know the other type of chicken has a big tail don't you? ;-)
It's not drooping because she's a little unwell is it? Or you do know the other type of chicken has a big tail don't you? ;-)

No she is not unwell, her tail feathers just came in before her other feathers so they looked big... She has grown into them, for now. But soon she will get even bigger feathers. And then she'll have to grow into them.
No she is not unwell, her tail feathers just came in before her other feathers so they looked big... She has grown into them, for now. But soon she will get even bigger feathers. And then she'll have to grow into them.

That's good then. Glad it's not because she is that other boy kind either :)
I am new here. Need help to determine gender. Three month old bird. Any black Australorp experts out there that can give an opinion?
That is a rooster.

sickle and hackle featehrs
big red comb and wattles for 12 weeks
Large legs
I think I see spur nubs starting

Do you have hatch mates to compare? The RIR looks a lot like the BA pullets should look at that age.

She looks very nice by the way!

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