Australorps breed Thread

This is my Australorp
just started my coop with 2 hens..

She's 5 months hoping to see some eggs soon! What can I expect to see before she starts laying? * also don't know what breed she is
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I've looked into eye changes but all I can find is green is a sign of cancer and grey for mareks but nothing about orange. My hen's eye colour is just looking like a normal chickens eyes now. She's my first and only australorp so I have no experience in knowing if it's something normal that happens as they age or what.
Australorps eyes should stay black. My guess is that she is a mix.

Post some pictures!
My Australorps eyes are dark brown, would this be the same as "black"?

Yes, dark brown to black but not blue or orange. Eyes can start out a dark blue and then turn to a different color in other breeds. Australorp eyes will be dark brown to black. If not, then they are not pure or maybe even a black sex link.

Pictures definitely help.
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302 pages is alot to read through, so forgive me if this has already been covered?
I live just outside Phoenix AZ. I assumed that the Australorp originated in Australia, and would deal with heat without a ton of trouble. Is it a good breed for this desert?
302 pages is alot to read through, so forgive me if this has already been covered?
I live just outside Phoenix AZ. I assumed that the Australorp originated in Australia, and would deal with heat without a ton of trouble. Is it a good breed for this desert?
Australorps do well in the heat. They are not the most heat hardy but heat hardy.

Penedesenca is the most heat hardy breed.
We picked up 3 BAs & 1BJG but they all have white feet. One got caught by the dog and we're left with these 3 ladies. We think they are all 3 BAs, but one of them has a darker face. Now out of these 3, we get to keep one and they are all so sweet, we can't decide.




We picked up 3 BAs & 1BJG but they all have white feet. One got caught by the dog and we're left with these 3 ladies. We think they are all 3 BAs, but one of them has a darker face. Now out of these 3, we get to keep one and they are all so sweet, we can't decide.

Aussies should have grey legs ...are their legs Grey ? or ?
aussies are sweet tempered this picture

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