Australorps breed Thread

What do you guys use in your chick brooders?

I'm not really sure what to do with these guys,they seem to eat anything and everything you put near them, including my fingers and the newspaper I have always used before. At the moment I've had to resort to putting cardboard in there as they can't rip that up (they worked out if they spin round while doing the dust bathing dance their feet shred the newspaper so it's easier to eat ).

I'm a bit nervous to use wood shavings in case they eat those? Have you had any problems with them with this breed of velociraptors?

For the first few days I line the bottom of the brooder with paper towels. They're really easy to pull up and replace for cleaning and since they're white, the chicks can easily see morsels of feed I scatter around for them to peck at. One they've begun pooping, eating and drinking on their own and are walking around on stable legs, I switch to large pine flakes and add chick grit to their feed. The chicks LOVE digging through those pine chips, and since they're receiving grit, there's really no problem if they consume small amounts of the shavings.

LOL! And they really are like little velociraptors, aren't they? Even my mature Aussies sound more like dinosaurs than chickens with the sounds they make.

Oh....and here's some pics of my current Australorp/Bielefelder mixed chicks. They're showing some very unique feathering, and have amazingly friendly, affectionate and vivacious personalities:

What do you guys use in your chick brooders?

I'm not really sure what to do with these guys,they seem to eat anything and everything you put near them, including my fingers and the newspaper I have always used before. At the moment I've had to resort to putting cardboard in there as they can't rip that up (they worked out if they spin round while doing the dust bathing dance their feet shred the newspaper so it's easier to eat ).

I'm a bit nervous to use wood shavings in case they eat those? Have you had any problems with them with this breed of velociraptors?

I am using caliche in my brooder and the chicks are doing very well at close to 3 weeks. They have started dusting. The caliche is a chip base used here in west texas...think sand and small gravel. It is what my chickens will be on when they go outside and since I had read about people using sand for bedding I thought it would work. So far the only issue is the fine dust all over my little house!
I love all the beautiful birds! I have a question. My favorite hen or one of is my austrlorp OREO. Talk about a sweet hen! I only have one of her but have always wished I bought more. In due time. I went out to the coop in less then 12 hours she lost her tail feathers, wing feathers, among s bunch more! It looks like I could stuff a pillow . Question is , do they molt hard and fast? Or slow? Seems fast to me but all my breeds seem to molt different. of course I'm giving her lots of goodies! Just was a bit surprised. What have most of your birds experienced while molting? Thank you in advance! She's my best layer and I want her healthy ASAP . She's not even talking to me right now. She looks shocked !
I love all the beautiful birds! I have a question. My favorite hen or one of is my austrlorp OREO. Talk about a sweet hen! I only have one of her but have always wished I bought more. In due time. I went out to the coop in less then 12 hours she lost her tail feathers, wing feathers, among s bunch more! It looks like I could stuff a pillow . Question is , do they molt hard and fast? Or slow? Seems fast to me but all my breeds seem to molt different. of course I'm giving her lots of goodies! Just was a bit surprised. What have most of your birds experienced while molting? Thank you in advance! She's my best layer and I want her healthy ASAP . She's not even talking to me right now. She looks shocked !
Naked chicken!

Watch the treats--they need good nutrition when they molt--a flock raiser type of feed or feather fixer sold by nutrena.

Yes, they all molt differently even within a breed.
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I love all the beautiful birds! I have a question. My favorite hen or one of is my austrlorp OREO. Talk about a sweet hen! I only have one of her but have always wished I bought more. In due time. I went out to the coop in less then 12 hours she lost her tail feathers, wing feathers, among s bunch more! It looks like I could stuff a pillow . Question is , do they molt hard and fast? Or slow? Seems fast to me but all my breeds seem to molt different. of course I'm giving her lots of goodies! Just was a bit surprised. What have most of your birds experienced while molting? Thank you in advance! She's my best layer and I want her healthy ASAP . She's not even talking to me right now. She looks shocked !

Wow! Now that's a fast molt!

I'm finding that all of mine are molting differently. One of my Aussies molted early and already has all new beautiful, glossy plumage while most of the others are just beginning to bald. I make sure to give them more protein now along with some extra black oil sunflower seeds and fresh greens. And I've added probiotics to their feed...anything to help them get through the stressful time.
:eek:  Naked chicken!

Watch the treats--they need good nutrition when they molt--a flock raiser type of fee or feather fixer sold by nutrena.

Yes, they all most differently even within a breed.

I was kind of thinking the same thing but wasn't sure. Thank you for answering my question. As for treats can I give SOS and safflower when ever? Just hold back on veggies and fruit a bit?
Wow! Now that's a fast molt! 

I'm finding that all of mine are molting differently. One of my Aussies molted early and already has all new beautiful, glossy plumage while most of the others are just beginning to bald. I make sure to give them more protein now along with some extra black oil sunflower seeds and fresh greens. And I've added probiotics to their feed...anything to help them get through the stressful time. 

I just was thinking cutting back fruit veggies but I'll keep veggies and seeds. Does the rooster booster help the girls with there molts? I'll go get some more yogurt it's on sale yeah! At least she is not like my Mille! She's been on the roost for almost 30 days !
however she is looking fantastic! Oreo is my super fun loud hen who loves her food!!! Struck me as odd when she was standing staring quite featherless and not making a move or noise.. No, I feel bad for her! She's such a beauty inside and out! I hate seeing her naked. Plus I have not had a egg for about a week. She's my best producer but would rather have her heathy. She's also a good brood! Thank you so much ! Everyone ! I'm going to drop some $ at the feed store now.
What brand probiotics do you buy?
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I just was thinking cutting back fruit veggies but I'll keep veggies and seeds. Does the rooster booster help the girls with there molts? I'll go get some more yogurt it's on sale yeah! At least she is not like my Mille! She's been on the roost for almost 30 days !
however she is looking fantastic! Oreo is my super fun loud hen who loves her food!!! Struck me as odd when she was standing staring quite featherless and not making a move or noise.. No, I feel bad for her! She's such a beauty inside and out! I hate seeing her naked. Plus I have not had a egg for about a week. She's my best producer but would rather have her heathy. She's also a good brood! Thank you so much ! Everyone ! I'm going to drop some $ at the feed store now.
What brand probiotics do you buy?

She will be back to better looking than ever in several weeks.

Cutting the calcium is a good thing to do when they are not laying eggs. There is extra calcium in layer which is bad for them when they are not using it to make eggs.

A rule of thumb is to not give them more than about 10%of their feed as treats--Even BOSS and etc. There is no real hard set number though. Just give them a bit once a day. If you do not have a lot of chickens, then your kitchen waste would be too much for them.

You are doing a good job!

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