Australorps breed Thread

I am new to chickens. Actually, I don't have any chickens or a coop yet. Our city just approved backyard chickens. We can have a maximum of 6-no roosters. I am considering getting 2 black australorps. But, not sure what else. Are australorps friendly? What breeds are good to add into a small flock with australorps and what are breeds to stay away from? Can I add a polish crested? Someone in another thread recommended not adding bantams because of their small size. Thanks for the help.

Australorps are very friendly from my experience. Polishes are a fancy show breed. Not good egg producer. Ameracaunas can be fun. Good egg layers. They lay blue eggs.
I am new to chickens. Actually, I don't have any chickens or a coop yet. Our city just approved backyard chickens. We can have a maximum of 6-no roosters. I am considering getting 2 black australorps. But, not sure what else. Are australorps friendly? What breeds are good to add into a small flock with australorps and what are breeds to stay away from? Can I add a polish crested? Someone in another thread recommended not adding bantams because of their small size. Thanks for the help.

It depends on the personality of the bantams. I've had them with frizzles and the frizzles kept the much bigger Aussies in their place. I've also got a silkie and she is terrified of them and they take every opportunity to give her a peck.

Having a small flock that I've spent far too much time buying eggs because of their low production if I had my time again I would pick breeds based on placid temperament and egg production before fancy feathers. The Aussie fits into that and we previously had isa Browns with them with no problems and they were good layers too.
Not sure if I am posting this in the right place, but here goes! I love my black austrolorps! I a a bit of a newbie but got 4 hens that had just started laying and a roo in April. They are so beautiful, black, glossy and shimmery green! Well they were...they are obviously molting but my beautiful roo looks like his color is fading as he molts. Is that normal?

What you are seeing is old feathers still there ..
Older feathers will be lighter ...newer feathers will be darker ..
It is more noticeable in some chickens..
I have a Grey Easter Egger that you can see it in quite easily ..the one on the left
Greetings guys! Hope this thread doesn't dry up. I have learned so very much here.
My flock of Australorps , and AustraWhites are thriving , and now giving my family wonderful eggs! I get three a day . I have ten hens , and one Amazing Rooster named Brutus ! Gonna post some pics! Thanks for looking and any advice or rating on these guess is appreciated. This is an amazing breed and I want to improve my flock .

This is what I call "Ladies Lets Play House ! "
I hope not either ..I love my Aussie Roo .
He accidently pecked my hand the other day ...when I was giving them a treat ..
" He pulled his head back as if to say " Oh Im sorry ...I didnt mean to do that "
Is it normal to only have two small nesting boxes for 3 chickens? They are about 6 months old and don't seem to use eggs either
Yes. They share nesting boxes, 2 boxes is enough for even more than 3 hens. They won't use the nesting boxes until they are very close to laying. At 6 months old (25 weeks) you should be getting eggs very soon! If they free range you may even want to check around the yard and make sure they aren't laying somewhere else and being sneaky. they need to get used to using the nest boxes. Putting fake eggs in there may help them get the idea of what it's for once they are ready.

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