Australorps breed Thread

This is one of my Astrolorps, Midnight. She's the only one with white ears. The other two have red ears. Weird-she started laying brown eggs but all of a sudden her eggs now are white. Still not 100% sure she is pure Astrolorp but she's such a sweetie I don't care.[/IMG]
This is one of my Astrolorps, Midnight. She's the only one with white ears. The other two have red ears. Weird-she started laying brown eggs but all of a sudden her eggs now are white. Still not 100% sure she is pure Astrolorp but she's such a sweetie I don't care.[/IMG]

If she lays white eggs then she cannot (Technically) even be called a austrolorp as that is something that an Aussie cannot do, even if it wants to.
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This is one of my Astrolorps, Midnight. She's the only one with white ears. The other two have red ears. Weird-she started laying brown eggs but all of a sudden her eggs now are white. Still not 100% sure she is pure Astrolorp but she's such a sweetie I don't care.[/IMG]
Could she be mixed with
Black Minorca? They can be black and have the white earlobs. They also lay white eggs.
Ok, then what would shevbe? She was sold to me as an Astrolorp, and I don't really understand why the eggs changed color. She was broody for a few weeks and when she stopped that is when the egg color changed. I'm still a little new at being a chicken -mama.
Ok, then what would shevbe? She was sold to me as an Astrolorp, and I don't really understand why the eggs changed color. She was broody for a few weeks and when she stopped that is when the egg color changed. I'm still a little new at being a chicken -mama.

Are you sure it was her laying brown eggs?
These guys should come with a weight warning! My splash has been in the nesting box at lock up time the last couple of afternoons and trying to reach in there and get her out is not easy. She weighs a tonne! Easily twice my faverolles!
Ok, then what would she be? She was sold to me as an Astrolorp, and I don't really understand why the eggs changed color. She was broody for a few weeks and when she stopped that is when the egg color changed. I'm still a little new at being a chicken -mama.

She could be a Black Minorca. I found this thread:

Looks pretty similar, including the white earlobes which an Australorp will never have. As to egg color change, that would be weird. A change in shade isn't odd but going from brown to white? That is very odd. Brown eggs are white until just before they are laid and I've seen them change shading somewhat year to year from a specific bird. I don't know if it is possible for their "ink cartridge" to run out and if anything, I would think the "rest period" while she was broody would result in darker eggs if any change at all.
Thanks bruceha2000. Actually I am pretty sure she was laying brown eggs. My two jersey giants stopped laying for quite awhile (about 8 months) and the only ones that could lay brown were the three astrolorps. Very strange. Since my two big girls have started to lay again, there is a significant difference in the egg size. Midnight was the only one in the coop yesterday morning and there was a white egg. My two polish haven't laid an egg in months either. Too hot. Plus when my bantam gives one up it has a very distinct size and shape.
Thanks all for the input!

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