Australorps breed Thread

Sooo...yeah...chicken math...
I got 5 from my hatch on Wednesday, and they are darling little pea pods!
My girlfriend tried hatching a few of my aussies under her broody, but only ended up with one.
Last night, while reading the "Oregon" thread, I discovered a town an hour from us had brand new chicks in, which arrived yesterday. They are about a day older then mine.
Bright and early this morning, we flew to that town and each bought more chicks. I got 3 more BAs and 2 California whites (have always wanted to try to get some white eggs). Both breeds were sexed (
) and I figured I could slide a few extras under Tilda and she would be cool about it. Worst case, I could brood them, myself.
My girlfriend, who has one baby BA from the hatch bought 17 more chooks- 10 RIR, 6 C Whites and a random Barred Rock.
She was planning to brood them herself, as she had so many.
We came home and I placed my new 5 under Tilda. I am sad to say, she is a little racist, actually, but in time has accepted the CWs with a small amount of grace. She just stares at them, and cocks her head and makes weird noises. But, she lets them brood under her and isn't too icky about their differences. She enevr even blinked about the new BAs. I'm not sure she even knew they didn't belong to her.
Then we went up to my friend's, and I started putting a chick in and an egg out from under her (they were still in the nest). I went on like this until all the eggs were out, and all the chicks were in. That Buff Orp never even blinked. She got as big as an umbrella and tried to scootch every last chick (of the 18 total) underneath her!
I have never seen a nicer Mum!
We placed a heat lamp in the compound with them, as she has a heck of a time covering them all, and so they can play and still be warm.
So, I went from 5 chicks to 10 and my girlfriend went from 1 to 18. Mothers and babies are doing beautifully, and we are all happy as clam at high tide.
I have heard of chicken math...but it has officially happened to me!!!

Hi all. I haven't been posting much since a medical issue has kept me pretty busy just taking care of my flock with little time for anything else, but I have kept up with all your posts. To make a long story short, I have been inundated with broody hens in my main flock this year. The last thing on my mind when I gathered eggs late tonight was finding two more hens sitting on nests.
The Australorps They are only 7 1/2 mo. old. !!!!! My one and only question is. Stan what did you do to these birds???? Are you sure you didn't breed a superbird. LOL I'll try and get a pic in the morning and I'll know for sure if they are serious about it. I have eggs in the bater due to hatch next Thursday. With luck they can brood them for me.
Hi all. I haven't been posting much since a medical issue has kept me pretty busy just taking care of my flock with little time for anything else, but I have kept up with all your posts. To make a long story short, I have been inundated with broody hens in my main flock this year. The last thing on my mind when I gathered eggs late tonight was finding two more hens sitting on nests.
The Australorps They are only 7 1/2 mo. old. !!!!! My one and only question is. Stan what did you do to these birds???? Are you sure you didn't breed a superbird. LOL I'll try and get a pic in the morning and I'll know for sure if they are serious about it. I have eggs in the bater due to hatch next Thursday. With luck they can brood them for me.
Ingrid, I can't believe your birds. There must have been some weird alignment of the stars the day they were born. Their cousins still haven't laid one egg, and don't even have red combs yet. Outback (Ingrid's rooster I adopted), is doing great. He has moved from the bottom of the rooster ranking to second in command. He knows his girls and is very observant when they are free ranging.

I wasn't clear if you or the birds were sick, but hope all are getting better.

It's me. I stupidly picked up a bag of feed and carried it into the feed room. It caused compression fx of my lower spine pinching my right sciatic nerve. Takes me hours to get moving in the morning. Bed rest is the worst thing for it. Thank you for your concern. Chickens are happy as clams. LOL I have one hen that was still sitting.

The flash kinda washed out her color. She was not happy with it either and left the nest right after the photo shoot. I'll check on her later to see if she went back.
It's me. I stupidly picked up a bag of feed and carried it into the feed room. It caused compression fx of my lower spine pinching my right sciatic nerve. Takes me hours to get moving in the morning. Bed rest is the worst thing for it. Thank you for your concern. Chickens are happy as clams. LOL I have one hen that was still sitting.

The flash kinda washed out her color. She was not happy with it either and left the nest right after the photo shoot. I'll check on her later to see if she went back.

Those are some serious Broodies.

I gave myself second degree nerve damage moving rolled roofing up onto an arbor in out back yard. I still have partial paralysis of my right foot after four years. I had Congenital spinal stenosis and had surgery to make the nerve channels bigger. The peripheral nerves will continue to recover un like spinal nerves.

I hope you get better soon!

It's me. I stupidly picked up a bag of feed and carried it into the feed room. It caused compression fx of my lower spine pinching my right sciatic nerve. Takes me hours to get moving in the morning. Bed rest is the worst thing for it. Thank you for your concern. Chickens are happy as clams. LOL I have one hen that was still sitting.

The flash kinda washed out her color. She was not happy with it either and left the nest right after the photo shoot. I'll check on her later to see if she went back.
Beautiful Mamma, and I love egg crates as nest boxes!
Hope she went back, once the paparazzi left!

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