Austraulorp X Red Production Hen What am I???


10 Years
Aug 17, 2009
I have 7 red Production hens in with my Black Austraulorps and have 6 of there eggs in the bator what might I have created?
No idea, but my best bet is a hen that lays REALLY well...
...Er, at least black australorps anyway. I've never had a red production.
I hatched out 7 crosses of a PRed roox BA hen. just opp. of yours.

I got 3 males 4 females.

the males colored out black bodied with dark, dark, red sex feathers ie:(hackles, saddles, and wing bows) the tail black with the green-purple sheen in them.

the pullets were solid black and were pretty fair layers/ large eggs though, I thought they matured a little slower than my PRed pullets.

I sold the pullets but still have a roo from this cross. I'll try to get some pics. of him and post them, he's a pretty boy, his name is Foghorn and believe you me he owns up to his name. He was named by my neighbor, as his favorite place to crow was outside his bedroom window most of the time.
Anyone ever had this cross and has pic's that would be awesome! I had two BA's hatch and am waiting on a cross to hatch will post a pic soon as one does.

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