Austrolorpe hens

I'm wondering, is it possible that they may be Jersey Giants... I don't have any of those, but have heard that they appear similar, and they mature much slower.
BTW, the pic I posted of the BA pullet I took today specifically to post for the op. She is 21 weeks 3 days old. She is not laying yet, but has been showing all signs for any day now.
A Jersey Giant has yellow feet pads where an Orpington and Australorp (Australian utility Orpington) have white pads.

As for age, if I'm not mistaken, is 32 weeks if born April 1'st. We've a blue Orp and blue Orp cross that are near 30 weeks and not laying yet either. Simply slow maturing strain we seem to have both gotten. Patients is what I keep telling myself but yeah, 2 months late slackers they seem now. Last year all but one of my hens were laying by 24 weeks, a production red took to 27 weeks. Perfect layer she turned out to be just started late is all.
I love my chickens
Those girls in the pics look like my Black Australorp hybrids did at around 19 weeks. With faces and combs/wattles like that they don't look anywhere close to laying IMO. AT that stage with mine I still had to wait about 2 months.

They're now about 11 months old and weigh 5-6pounds each, so whoever said yours might be giants might be just about right I reckon!
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Lol. It may be because I have no rooster. because I just recently learned that my lionitus is a lil girl.
-sigh- I have no clue what to call him now... Her... Ill post a picture

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