Autism and pesticieds!

I work with another parent that is sure also its the thimerosal that caused her son's ASD - however he was only 4 when I worked with him...

He had never had the flu shot (they (usually) don't give the thimerosal ones to under 4 or 5 years old depending on insurance or the PCP, they give the 'fresh' vaccine it comes out of a fridge- if your vaccine was cold, it didn't have thimerosal in it that is the same one used in pregnant mothers )

There is no convincing her that the shots didn't have the thimerosal, although the shock to his system for the vaccinations may have caused an immune reaction (he went 105*F feverish) or he's allergic to some other substance in vaccines.

I'm getting my son vaccinated on schedule- but I insist on 'fresh' vaccines and one at a time with a two week break.

I can look up the lot numbers and everything- this is more expensive however I'm OOP for the difference.

She does have mercury based fillings and that might have doe it- or she used to live near one of those Superfund sites, or the high tension power lines, and genetics all combined...

Or we've messed up or bodies with so many preservatives and other things that strange things are happening.

Say- I'm looking into something for other ppl on spectrum (I am) could you pm me and tell me if you are 'extra strong' and have 'bad eyes' one of my 7 year old ASD students said... "but we are all strong like hulk- mean sometimes and have to squint to see" I know those fit me even tho I am small overall (5'2")
I was in the UK around the time of the MMR-Autism scare and I believe that so many parents stopped taking their children for MMR shots that the level of coverage of immunisations had dropped below the required 'herd-immunity' level. All three of these diseases can be serious when the victim has not previously been immunised, with measles and rubella being particularly dangerous for unborn babies.
It's sad to think a researcher would change their results to suit their desired outcome, presumably after considering the impact this would have on the public, this is one more reason to be sceptical about one or two research papers suggesting links between X and Y.

Why would all these thousands of parents reach the same conclusion idividually

A lot of parents won't accept that it may have been they themselves who passed on autistic traits, or at the very least passed on the ability to have enough spontaneous chromosomal abnormalities, to their children through their genes. It's so much nicer to blame someone/something else.

Some autism (around 10%) can be proven to be genetic by a single gene, the rest (the apparently random chromosomal abnormalities) is obviously harder to pinpoint as definitely genetic. The difficulty arises because there is little pedigree to follow in autism; in general, truly autistic people do not have children of their own so geneticists have a very short pedigree to follow.​
The biggest problem with the Vaccine/Autism connection is the fact that vaccines are given around the same time and age range that symptoms of autism show up. That makes it nearly impossible to tell if the autism is caused by a hiccup in genetics, or by some malfunction with the vaccine.

Autism will be graded on a spectrum soon and not by different names. With the release of the new DSM they are placing all forms of autism on a scale instead of designating different types. That included Aspergers. It will be graded as very low spectrum to very high spectrum, depending on severity and functionality of the patient. So the term 'Spectrum' is not just a catch phrase, it is the new diagnostic terminology being phased in.

Complaining about what you personally think 'caused' autism in your child will not help them. If you found a diet/therapy/teaching method that helps your child be less effected by their autism, then that's great, but it won't work for every child. Doctors are still trying to understand how autism even works. We may never know what causes autism, how to manage it on a broad scale or how to even prevent it. You could be carrying a gene for autism and not even know it. What you can do is try your best to be a good parent to your child.

Autism is a big thing right now, and doctors who don't know what they looking for can misdiagnose a child. Symptoms of low grade autism can be the same as many other childhood disorders. Your doctor may confuse ADD/ADHD with early signs of autism, although they are quite different disorders. I don't really believe that ADD/ADHD is related to autism because they are two very different disorders.
ADD/ADHD was grossly over-diagnosed because parents got panicked about their child and doctors got lazy or just plain didn't know what to look for. Parents are very concerned about having an autistic child so they will ask doctors about it more often and may get a misdiagnosis from a doctor that doesn't know what to look for or is too lazy to be bothered doing a proper check.
If your child is diagnosed with something life long like autism, it is okay (and I would recommended) to get a second opinion from another doctor, preferably one who specializes in autism, to be sure.
a second opinion would be handy for many. In the case of my son there is no doubt he is on the spectrum. He got the PDD-NOS label when he was 4 (he is 2o now)...which basically meant "we have no clue". Now they know PDD is on the spectrum.

Why would all these thousands of parents reach the same conclusion inividually... Hmmmmm

Because they are acting on an emotional level and not using logic. The mercury hysteria has been around for a long time. I knew (customer where I worked) one of the biggest frauds in the dental amalgam scam from the 90's. He made millions convincing people to rip out all of their fillings. He finally got busted and lost his license.

Happens all the time sadly. Remember, there are still people who think you catch a cold from going outside with wet hair.

In reporting on controversies in health and science, reporters tend to be tone deaf to what counts as scientific authority: national scientific bodies, which reflect the expert consensus on various topics can find themselves put on an equal footing with anyone who has an M.D. or Ph.D making any sort of sensational claim, thanks to the “he says/she says” formula for achieving balance in the service of “good journalism” (truth being too difficult to adjudicate).

So, for example, when the Washington Post described the opening of a “vaccine court” in June 2007 to deal with some 5,000 plaintiffs’ claims that vaccination caused their children’s autism, proponents of the mercury link were described thus:

“Scientific advocates for the vaccine-autism theory, such as the father-and-son team of Mark and David Geier of Silver Spring, say fears about damaging public health programs have prompted scientists and the government to hide evidence of a problem. Many of the families believe that the medical establishment and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have conspired in a massive coverup. “

No mention was made in the story of a truly astonishing trail of scientific controversy that has dogged the Geiers, or the fact that their research has been denounced by the Institute of Medicine. But now, in the case of Blackwell v. Sigma Aldrich, Inc. et al., the blog neurodiversity notes that a judge has thrown out not only the Geiers’ testimony, but rejected the “expertise” of a whole slew of the plaintiff’s experts as not being scientifically relevant to the case.

You also can't talk about vaccines and autism without mentioning the anti-vaccine link to the church of scientology. The are BIG in the vaccines cause autism crowd.
"Haley was amongst a gaggle of Scientologists making sworn depositions for an amalgam/mercury case in 2002. They lost of course but amongst the Scientologists testifying were: Raymond G. Behm and our old friend David Minkoff. Once again, Boyd Haley demonstrates the calibre of his rationality in the company he keeps and the ‘science’ they present.

There’s also significant Scientology representation amongst the law firms involved the autism/thiomersal litigation. For example, in June 2001 legal firm Baum Hedlund announced a class action lawsuit against thiomersal containing vaccine manufacturers as part of the now defunct Mercury Vaccine Alliance.

Paul Hedlund is described as;

"has also been in business with several other Scientologist lawyers, including fellow Slatkin investor George “Skip” Murgatroyd. He and Michael Baum were also both investors with Scientologist ponzi artist Reed Slatkin."

And Michael Baum is described as;

"....a former staffer with the Church of Scientology’s Guardian Office (the Church’s secret service operation that preceded the Office of Special Affairs) and is an Unindicted Co-conspirator for his work on Operation Snow White, the domestic espionage case which sent eleven Scientologists to prison, including L Ron Hubbard’s wife."

Its clear to see that Scientology has its claws well into the mercury/thiomersal/chelation/autism community."

I recommend everyone do their own research. Whatever you do, don't take Jenny McCarthy's word on anything.

Book recommendation...
quick interview with the author of Autism's False Prophets
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I am not that emotional... Really..... I am extremely logical in my thinking....I journaled for years... I have been the project of studies...Most parents are trying to find answers... I don't care if I passed on a gene.... I would like to find the cause... I am not placing "blame"....It doesn't really matter..It is what it is... I didn't find the mercury theory and fit my child to it... In fact... I looked and what happend recently to figure out possible causes and eliminated the possibilities by writing it down... It wasn't until Years later that the vaccination came up... so no I am going to have to say I am not being irrational and looking for a scapegoat...Just real answers like most parents and there is in fact a boatload of studies... That much I know now... It is not a light road without scenery we travel to get to the hypotheses that we come up with. I am willing to look at other causes as well but the best fitting profile for my child and my family... Well I am going with the mercury and heavy metals theory.

Even the pesticides...and the rest is all poisoning us.

Fantastic website written and upkept by Sharone Lee... She is an amazing being.... Whole in her self.... With autism and raising a child with autism also... It is a complex website that rabbit trails respectively, however, she is a leading warrior in our understanding and our fight for the rights of the disabled... Those of you grasping at an understanding may benefit from some of her writings... Enjoy..
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Sorry but autism numbers have increased mostly due to better diagnosis and increased population. There were cases of autism long before pesticides and vaccines, they were just undiagnosed - which means the reported cases is significantly lower than what it would be had those children been alive today. A significant part of the increase is better identification and understanding.

I get frustrated when the huge rise in autism is mentioned but the article or reporter does not factor in the increase in population or increase in range of diagnosis.

Please understand, I just want to see accurate information and statistics, not just skewed numbers. Many kids in this generation would never have been labeled autistic a few generations ago. My father is one of them. He is clearly Aspergers, as is my son. And I never would have understood my father had I not watched my son grow. Once he got the diagnosis I looked back at my father. It was obvious then.

Make sure you read who is supplying the information and ask yourself what they have to gain. And of course, beware sensational articles that are meant to excite emotion at the expense of logic and truth. I have yet to read a reputable report or article about linking either pesticides or vaccines to autism. And I have read my share.

I just want to see accurate information reported.

(Also - if it were really the vaccines - how come the autism numbers didn't increase when thermisol was first introduced into vaccines in the 1040s?)
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I know for surre my son was born the way he is, nothing to do at all with a vaccine.I did have alot of metal fillings though.we ate tons on veggies and fruit exclusively( couldn't keep other things down) when I was pregnant with him, I live in wine contry and my house used to be farm land, my whole nieghbourhood used to spray the lawns and hidden pcb dump. IDK something messed up, he does have a bad digestive system and has always been a puker, puked constantly many times a day until recently now he just pukes a few times a week and when ever he feels like it( eww that's a fun behavour to try and explain). He had bad asthma as well as a baby, meds 100% of the time until 2 liquid and nebulizer meds. When he was first diagnosed with adhd and odd I felt he could out grow his issues, as he's gotten older my kid has lost the ability to have a normal conversation, eye contact has gotten worse so has his ocd basically he went from problems that we where able to deal with to having to seek extra support at school( a+ kid to a R- the lowest grade possible in two years) and soon home. A simple hour at the park is horrible, taking him out anywhere truely is work,as he does things and say's thing so unapropriate that I don't want to be out with him and would rateer stay home , our other 4 kids get embarassed and come crying about how his brother verbally abused /wierded out thier friend or how he took thier toy, food away from them( many other thing too) . At this point I feel something is building up in his system,IDK.
Ya you are probably right.... When they get older and social skills set in they can no longer rely on tips and tricks that may have worked in the past... A real experienced person may be able to help you work on some skills to bridge the gap in your language to each other... As he stresses and gets compressed... it just get worse... If one was to make a model of what stresses autism... It would look like a classroom and function like school and there would be a lot of ppl... This is where learning who he is will aid you.
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Metal fillings would have affected you for years long before you had your son. They did NOT give your son autism, ADHD, or his digestive issues. Has he been tested for heavy metal poisoning? I agree there is probably something building up in his system, I would research the PCB issue. And have his tested at a doctors office ASAP.

Good luck.

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