Auto Bailout.......

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ok, so sending the country into MORE of an economic tailspin is what some of you here think is a GREAT idea?
Seriously?? For true and real???

My car isnt new. Heck it isnt even a GM, Ford or Chevy. I own a 2006 SantaFe (Hyundai) But I still have warranty left on it. And I have needed and used that warranty many times on the piece of junk lemon that it is.

Hey. really No big deal for me. I work in the auto salvage industry. So the Big 3 tank it means more people fixing their 1980, 90s and 2000s vehicles. But it also means more people out of work. but then people wont be able to afford their mortgages. Buts thats ok right? Since all those people got into bad loans that no one forced them to sign. And then they will loose their vehicles. And gas prices will go down further since there will be even less people driving. And airline tickets will be lower since no one will be traveling. And hotel rates lower since no one will be using the rooms, Since no one will be able to afford trips etc.

One big happy fun loving circle.

Did I mention that the crime rate.. which is already increasing as cities and towns have to cut police due to no money coming in due to the failing economy.. Is going to get even worse? Its a proven fact that when the jobless rate goes up so does the crime rate. People have been jumping the fence where I work and stealing car parts off the ones in the yard. Home break ins are on the increase. Random shootings, bank robberies... all increasing. And the answer to stopping more of this slide is to not help the auto makers.. who BTW havent actually gotten a cent of that 25B at the moment. It is tied up in the gov.

We bailed out Fannie and Freddie.The mortgage companies. We gave the airlines money. But now we are telling the red headed step child to stuff it?
It is not just the car makers that are going to feel this. Not just the head honchos of the Big 3(who probably wont feel a darn thing. It is EVERYONE that will feel it. The people packing tires etc to ship. Manufactures of shipping materials(boxes etc)

Why? because of selfish and shortsighted. "It wont hurt me none" attitudes. What about those people that it will hurt? They get to collect the piddly amount of unemployment? Apply for food stamps? If he parts arent being made and things break down.. how is the food going to get there for them to buy? Fact. Not everyone can grow or raise their own food. Public transportation will suffer as well.
The stock market will suffer even more.

Rose colored glasses are bad enough. Cutting of the nose to spite the face? Foolish. Selfish and wickedly short sighted. Remember this. You all might not think it will hurt you right now. But it will. even if you dont get a paycheck from a car maker, dealer or whatever. It's gonna hurt if the government turns its back on the Big 3 And we Americans will have no one to blame but ourselves. Well,, maybe ourselves and our/or neighbors who have a huge SUV and dont need one.

idiocracy ..........
Who knows whats the right thing to do in this difficult situation? I sure don't. My concerns go out to the retirees who have planned on health care and pensions. It's hard to get a job when you're over 50.

Those currently employed, well the union negotiated for them some pretty nice wages and benefit plans so I only hope that auto workers have had the foresight to save for a rainy day.

This 25 Billion will never be enough to save the auto companies and I don't think Americans have the stomach to bail out every vital company. Unless the unions can renegotiate and pensioners can settle for less benefits and pensions, they are doomed and other industries will follow. I'm afraid we are in for some long hard times.
I think they need to bail out the back yard chickens farmer (me) so I won't have to worry about losing anything because of corporations that don't know how to handle money.

This is what happens when you let greed take over. I sure wish the feds would pay off our mortgage, our car, our little 1.2 acre and all of our other bills that we have to have....lights, phone (land line only), insurance, etc.

Bail out the taxpayer and the taxpayer might be able to help the big corporations. You know, you watch my back and I'll watch yours.

I see it all going downhill by the end of next year.

Guess we better be getting that cow and mule we've been discussing.
I think the automakers need to come up with some better designs that have better fuel economy and are more eco-friendly. Who wants to give the automakers more money to invest in the same failing, gas-guzzling models when there are better options? I wouldn't give the automakers a cent of "bailout" money until they come up with some new ideas that will likely be successful.

I feel bad for the employees that are caught in this situation; they don't get the choice of what kinds of vehicles to build. Unfortunately, the stuff they are making is behind the times. Frankly, I'm not surprised that the American automakers are losing out.
Whats going to happen when you take an estimated 1.6 million employed people out of the tax circle? I really don't have a clue what their taxes come to in a given year. But it seems that DH and I like to contribute around $9000.00 per year. Should I multiply that by 1.6 million?
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