automated coop door?

Very far from perfect... hasn't even been built, or attempted to be built.

I'm happy to see someone beat me to it and come up with their own designs.
All you need to do for a DIY automatic door opener is to use a garage door opener. I was able to get a free opener. Join your local Freecycle group through Yahoo Groups and post you are looking for a working garage door opener. They come with limit controls and can be adapted for opening a coop door with ease. You can use the remotes, a solar switch or a timer.
hi i got an automatic door opener for my chicken coop and its brilliant you can set it up to open with the daylight hours or on a timer which i run mine so i have control when they run around out side. i don't have to worry if we go out for the evening knowing that they will all be safe and sound, they seem to know when they have to come in and always get in before the door shuts up for the night, i also run mine on batteries and got it off ebay.

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