Automatic Chicken Coop Door - Auto Closes Coop - Beta Version 1.0

Welcome to BYC Damsel!

The motors in any animatronics should be strong enough to roll up a door, especially if you have it on a string like mentioned earlier in this thead. They probably have significant gearing built into the decorations, so make sure you salvage those gears as well or you may be left with a motor with lots of speed but no torque.
Thanks Nifty-Chicken!
My brother (who is a mechanic) is going to help me on this one. If we come up with anything good, I'll post.
Thanks also for the kind welcome!
I;ve read about this whole thing and if the thing is going to run off of 12 volts what are you using as a timer. seems the timer would have to run off 12 volts also.

Just to let you know I am building an automatic feeder that the door opens and closes. Using 12 volt drill with pulley atached to shaft locked in chuck to wind string. To stop it there will be a copper pipe + wire from drill atached at the top with a hole drilled 3/4 the way down to allow auto drop to come in contact with flat piece of copper with + wire from battery that when the door comes up will lift pipe end and break the contact same on bottom. I just need 2 timers that run off 12volts the ones I seen are real pricey. I'm trying to do this cheep cheep cheep. Pun intended LOL Like I say the thing works I just need timers.
pigeonguy, welcome to the forum. I see that you're new, so I'll excuse you this time, but next time you post you MUST PROVIDE PICS!!!

Pigeonguy, I guess I'm not the only newbie who has been following this thread!
You're idea sounds great, please give detailed instructions and pics when you can!
You know how people say something / someone was a "life saver"? Well, I wanted to let everyone know that this simple system has literally been a life saver for my remaining hens!

Last night we didn't get out to the coop until late. When I opened the door I heard scurrying from 2 directions and then I saw them... 1 coon up in a tree and 2 over in the bushes (the 3 remaining ones from the group of 4 that killed our duck and hen a month ago). I'm almost certain our whole flock would have been dead had the auto door not done its job.
glad your door worked for you, niftychicken.

I still am waiting for some parts to appear in a nearby dumpster or something.

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