Automatic door operated by timer or by light sensor???


11 Years
Oct 7, 2010
I am going to install an automatic door opener in my coop. I just can't decide whether I should get one that can be set with a timer or one that automatically opens and closes with changing light conditions. Tha later is apparently more expensive but I would not have to adjust throughout the year? Any advice?
We have the one on a timer. It's simple to change when necessary. I couldn't justify the expense of the light sensor (plus, I fgured that's just one more working part with the possibility of breaking anyway!).
I have one that uses the light sensor. Mine (from Foy's) is adjustable, so you can alter the light sensitivity to have it open/close when you want. We set ours to close about 1 hour after the chickens roost for the night. We even got up on full moon nights to make sure it wasn't opening. (it didn't) It works great!
Well, I like the light sensor one because it most closely matches the birds' circadian rythmns. They get up after dawn and they go to roost during dusk. AND I don't have to make adjustments as the length of the days change through the seasons.
gryeyes, I see you have Delawares! I am going to get some in early November (can't wait)
. Thanks for your answer. I was kinda leaning towards the light sensor one and you just confirmed that.
Hi! My coop isn't built yet----! But I dream of having a photo cell open & close my girl's door! Then it will absolutely follow their internal clock. Because--it will operate with the sun rising & setting.

OR am I way off??!
What you guy are calling a light sensor----is probably what I'm calling a photo cell!!!???
We have the Foy's door with light sensor. I like it because I know it will close just after dark every night no adjustment necessary. I know the light sensor may be more expensive but if I wanted to save money I would have continued to go out every night after dark and close the door myself. The automatic door opener/closer is the best addition we have made to our coop. Its really helpful in the mornings when we want to sleep in. The chickens can go out into the run instead of being locked in the coop.
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Yup, it's easy. You just have to change the batteries. Mine went over a year before I changed mine, they weren't dead yet, but I was starting to worry that the batteries would die and I wouldn't be there. So I decided to have a plan to change them every year.
I've thought about getting the light sensor type of automatic opener, but I have a question about them that I can't seem to find an answer to anywhere:
We have dense fog sometimes that make it look like it's still dark out. Would the opener NOT open on those mornings? On really foggy days we sometimes get no sunlight until almost noon........

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