Automatic Doors: What Would YOU Do?


Aug 8, 2020
Poestenkill, New York
We're putting in an automatic door when we build a new coop this summer, and it's tough to figure out which is the best. I've seen good things about Ador, but we were also looking at the ChickenDoor brand. I also saw some DIY ones that look pretty simple. (This would be on the coop, not the run.)

If price were no object, what would you choose? One that opens from the top, a side opening model, or one you made yourself? I know there are other threads out there but I'm too lazy to try and read them all on my phone.

Edit: we do NOT have enclosed run, just a fenced one.
I love my Ador1. Have been running it about 4 months down to zero degrees and it has worked great! It opens up, and runs off a lantern battery. I did opt for the awning because I figured for a $250 door, it made sense to spend the extra 30 to protect it from rain and snow. From what I have read the most common cause of failutre is moisture freezing in the track. I live in a very wet cold area and did not have that issue, I think thanks to the awning.

Whatever you go with, good choice on the auto door. If you get the right feeder/waterer your coop could be self containing for short vacations etc.! I have this feeder (, and a diy watered that is a 5 gallon bucket with horizontal nipples. I water twice a week and feed even less (22 chickens currently).

Also I love going out there on my time in the morning, and just enjoying my flock's company while I collect eggs as opposed to dragging myself down to the coop at dawn in the morning to open the door.

I am currently saving to put one on the guinea coop next!
I am new to chickens but I got the Omlet door. It is great! My coop is under cover so I use it on the timer mode as oppose to the light sensing mode. The flexibility of the Omlet is one of its biggest selling point as far as I'm concerned.
Sorry about the Angry response to your initial post. My tablet is so small and the screen so sensitive that sometimes when I am trying to scroll I hit buttons that I don't mean to hit.
I really want an automatic door for when I get my new coop! Following this thread! I've always been freaked out about closing the coop door myself since my friend was closing his coop's door in the dark and it suddenly got stuck...ended up being a hen that poked its head out at the wrong time and got beheaded by the door :oops:
So like a garage door.
Yup. I believe you can also program it to "last call mode" where it will close, and then open back up and beep in ten minutes, for five minutes, for any last minute stragglers to come in. Also I tihnk you can program it to open a bit later than sunrise and close a bit later than sunset. I researched a lot of doors though so I MAY be getting my features/brands mixed up. Definitely confirm (through the Ador website) my claims on those features, especially the second one, before giving them any merit towards your purchasing decision.

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