Automatic Vent- No electricity!


11 Years
Jun 10, 2008
SacraTomato, CA
So I starting thinking that the vent I've used for my greenhouse the last several years might work really well for a chicken coop for automatic venting in hot weather.

There is wax inside the cylinder that expands and contracts, which opens the vent. The warmer it gets, the more it opens. No electricity involved. You can change the temp at which it starts to open too.

here's where I bought my vent opener...A few years ago they were the best price I could find. Peaceful Valley...
I was gonna say - ALL my chickens have automatic VENTS...........
Then they need automatic shut off valves

Where can I buy those? I need battery operated - the chickens don't like being plugged in.

(sorry glowworm - I just could NOT resist)
It's a lot simpler and cheaper to just leave the ventilation open.

Chickens are FINE down to freezing and beyond (and even when it is that cold they STILL need ventilation -- it's as much for air-quality control as for temperature control!)

I'm not saying that some people, in some areas, may not have a few days per year when you'd want more vent area open during the day than you'd want open at night. But as long as you can bop out there in the morning and evening (which you're prolly doing anyhow to check the chickens and collect eggs) that's really all it takes to solve the 'problem'.

Sorry to be a wet blanket, but, just sayin'


come down to California or any other toasty state and you will see why venting on top of venting is necessary.
I don't think i would install an extreme amount of vents in Canda, either.

Yeah, and people that can hand open and close their vents don't need to worry about it either. But I know there are people out there that are super busy and this might be a good option for them.
I lived in NC for 6 years, I know a little about hot and humid summers

The thing is, in that case you never need to close the vents at night. Just leave the whole house massively ventilated and breezy.



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