Avery's Puppy Countdown Thread!

How Many Puppies will be born?

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Awwww yay I'm not too late!! Do y'all think she's gonna be done by morning??
No idea, haha. Probably not though. She's not panting or having any visible contractions yet. I can still see the puppies moving around too.
Gee the heat lamp is making Me nervous. Do not put it on Avery. Please.
The white bulb I had was burnt out anyway, haha. So I just put a regular bulb in it. I don't want to have a super bright light on all night if she's whelping overnight so I thought a little lamp would be better. I plan on just using heating pads on low hopefully for warmth.
Give her a few towels to dig around in too.
Towels are easy to wash and soak up nasty well.
She has a few! They're just all balled up in the towels. 😅
So how do you like that names, if you’re not already busy?
They're cute! I'll probably end up keeping just a girl or two to start training, so I'll have to see.
As she gets closer, she may want to start ripping paper up with her teeth. Just a weird thing they do, how many puppy pads do you have??? Could get costly!
I have 50, but I do have a few whelping pads from when our other dog gave birth a few years ago, so I could use those if need be. Or one of her thrift store blankets.
She is so good, she knows her place is upstairs in the box. She keeps coming down to see me and then goes back up there.
I'm dying😫 :love:love
No idea, haha. Probably not though. She's not panting or having any visible contractions yet. I can still see the puppies moving around too.
Oh gotcha. I know close to nothing on dog birth, we were gonna have Ella have puppies before we got rid of her but I never even got to the research stage.
She's dumb.

She's waiting for you to go up to bed so she can rest too. Hurry up Gee!
Woah that just gave me a flashback...do you still call doggos dummies? 😅Where did that start?
(maybe it's just Kiki speech and I'm just forgetting:oops:😆)
Alright, going to bed now! Night all! I'll try to keep you updated.
Night! Cant wait to see what's up tomorrow :D.

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