Aviary pics..... just sharing!


11 Years
May 29, 2009
Sleepy Eye, MN
Was testing out my new camera again... Thought I'd share pics from my aviary. Lil bit of everything in there: button quail, diamond doves, canaries, spice finches, society finches, a weaver hen, a long tail grass male, and a bunch of assorted zebra finches.


















Beautiful! But how do you keep from having babies everywhere??? I turn my back on my quail or my zebras and bam! I got babies!
I love it too! I got out of fishtanks years ago and I've always had a few housebirds. Couple years ago on CL I saw someone advertising this for only $200. Made a 6 hour round trip and decorated it a bit once I finally got it in the house. Luckily I have a friend that raises birds and sells to all the pet stores up here. Thank you Jean for helping me fill it up!!!

This actually stays much cleaner than any of the cages I've had before. The plexiglass keeps all the seed and mess enclosed. The hardest part is crawling in there to clean the glass without all the birds getting out. If I would have done anything different would have been to install more perches right away and have doors on both ends. Its 10' long, 4' high and a lil over 2' wide. I still want to get a couple pair of the gouldian finches in there yet too. Lil pricey and very rarely available around here.
Pull the eggs from the quail. They don't sit on them anyway here. If I have friends that want just a couple, I'll throw them in the incubator along with all my chicken eggs. The diamond doves lay quite a bit. They always sit for like 10-15 days and then abandon the nest on me. I've had no luck with the finches at all yet either. They lay and I've had a few babies seen popping their heads out. When they get out of the nest, they always tend to drown in the chick waterer somehow or one of the other birds manages to kill them. I'd probably have to separate pairs off into breeder cages....
Very Nice pictures!

The Diamond Doves are cute, I'm going to hopefully get some in the spring. How many and what colors do you have?
I only have 4 of them.... the one pair that lays is the regular blue colored ones. The really light whitish tan one is a very young male. There is another female that is much darker...almost a pewter grey color. I got mine from Jean out of Mound MN.... I know there is a Rhodes in the MSPA pigeon club that also raises them.
Cool! I'm sure you'll have more diamond baby doves soon. I'm thinking of getting a pair from my local petstore, but wonder if their are breeders or places that can ship them.

Thanks for posting the pictures!
nice little aviary, i want to build and have similar for tiel pairs, budgie pairs (though they love to be able to free fly right now, as much as i love watching their ariel acrobatics), zebra pairs, and hopefully some diamond dove pairs and button quail pairs (if can find those two types i cant in my small town).

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