Avoiding Lice and Mites


Mar 2, 2016
Northern Lower MI
I've been reading through different post about treating lice or mites or scale mites (?) think i said that right. Anyway, I'd like to know the best practices to avoid them to begin with! What has worked for you???
I use food grade safe diatomaceous earth. I buy it in a big bag, tractor supply and rural king both sell it. Be careful not to breath in the dust. I wear a mask and sprinkle it when they aren't in the house or run. After rain it needs to be sprinkled again outside. Seems to work well for fleas as well.
DE spread outside will kill all insects it meets when dry, and do nothing when wet/ damp.
If you keep your birds indoors 24/7, with no access to outside or wild birds, mites and lice can be avoided.
If your coop door is open, and your birds range outside or in an uncovered run, wild birds will show up, and sometimes your chickens will have mites or lice. Treat them with permethrin spray, as the easiest product to use, and move on.
I check my birds every week or two, at night, with a flashlight, and treat everyone and their coop, if any mites or lice appear.
One of my birds, a rooster, is very tasty to mites, and will have them when other birds seem to be clear. Everyone still gets sprayed!
Pretty hard to actively avoid them, especially if you have a lot of wild birds around, but vigilant exams will make them pretty easy to get rid of as you'll catch them early.

Google images of lice/mites and their eggs before the inspection so you'll know what you're looking for.

Part the feathers right down to the skin around vent, head/neck and under wings.

Best done well after dark with a strong flashlight/headlight, easier to 'catch' bird and also to check for the mites that live in structure and only come out at night to feed off roosting birds.

Wipe a white paper towel along the underside of roost to look for red smears(smashed well fed mites).

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