AW GEEZ - I did it, I looked

I am not sure I really have to worry about him, because he started with whole chicken thing, but I am the one that became obsessed. I want to hatch them and play with them and then sell them or give them away. I just want the babies.
I put mine in my closet!
Of course, husband knew. But then, I didn't give him an option. I said, "Hon, we're getting chickens! And I am going to hatch them!"
hubby doesn't want me buying eggs through the mail
he thinks it's a waste of money
then he says I should be hatching my own eggs after all because thats what I wanted to buy the bator for
but see I have this little problem...all my grown chickens are just mutts.... and because of BYC I now need lots of pure eggs, lots of different chickies

So just set up your bator, put your eggs in and hope he doesn't notice it

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