Awaiting my first eggs

Hi Everyone, I keep getting emails from BYC saying I need to post something so I figured I'd start with introducing myself.  My husband and I recently picked up 4 buff orpingtons from his cousin.  According to her we should be getting our first eggs any day now.  I'm trying to keep my obsession in check but I kept envisioning a big coop and run in my back yard rather than the little chicken tractor we have now.

I recently added some buff Orpington's to my flock 6 two month old pullets and one roo (same age)who is already crowing. Very nice birds. Good broodies too, so you'll need that dream coop. :)
Thanks for the warm welcome. I'm sure they'll lay over the next two days since I'm leaving town. I'll have to make sure hubby saves the first eggs for me just in case.

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