awkward trip to McDonalds with a chicken and my 4 year old


6 Years
Apr 12, 2013
I knew it was bound to happen one day...she would ask...I would say no...she would beg...I would give in...Audrey, My 4 Year Old, wanted McNugget, One Of Our 11 Chickens, to go into town with us. Of course, we just HAD to go to Hucks and get her some worms and ice. Lord knows that chicken wasn't gonna survive 20 minutes without food or water. She rose on the back of Audrey's seat, shat in the back seat, and spilled (eww eww eww) meal worms in the back floor board. Then we went to...wait for it...................................................................McDonalds. And as usual, we had to pull up and wait. Audrey even ordered chicken McNuggets, thinking it would be funny....well it was to her I guess...not to McNugget who started pecking her head. As she's screaming for me to get McNugget off of her head, they lady comes to my car to give me my coveted cold stale food. As she hands me my "food", McNugget jumps up to the front seat and bawlks loudly and good into the passenger seat. They lady screams and jumps out of her skin. When she regains her composure and straightens her hair and shirt (im serious...we scared the **** out of this poor girl), she gives me this "omg! Look at these hillbillies! They think they have to bring their own chickens to McDonalds" look. I shoot her the old "well, it would have been faster and fresher" glare. was...a learning experience. What did I learn? Nothing really. I mean, she'll *probably* talk me in to sometime that stupid again. And I'll *probably* rationalize it by either skipping the irony and chose a chicken with a different name or just not allow Audrey to get chicken (the made to order kind).
That is so awesome I live right in the middle of the city so people are just in aw at me period but if I took one of my girls along for a ride I think I would cause a 20 car pile up. LOL
That is so awesome I live right in the middle of the city so people are just in aw at me period but if I took one of my girls along for a ride I think I would cause a 20 car pile up. LOL

I almost was in a wreck a few years ago because there was a chicken limo going the opposite direction on a 4 lane divided highway. it was painted school bus yellow with a HUGE chicken head on the top.

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