Ayam Cemani - suddenly red faced, noticed yesterday - heat danger?


In the Brooder
May 22, 2022
My Ayam Cemani roo’s face is suddenly quite red. It almost looks like a sunburn. Fiancé noticed it in passing yesterday. Seems fine otherwise. It is 88 degrees here, with high humidity. Does this indicate that he is hot, or is this a sign that there is a serious heat danger present? He is not panting or holding his wings away from his body currently, and was running around with the other chickens free ranging in the backyard for most of the day.

Thanks for any advice, new to chicken keeping.


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Side note, he also just started crowing two days ago, I don’t know if hormones have anything to do with it?
I got him from someone off Craigslist about mid to late May when he was 7 weeks old. I don’t care at all if he’s not a pure breed or anything like that, I’m just worried about him. This is him Saturday with a much less red face.


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He's not acting lethargic right? My best guess is he's not a pure Ayam Cemani, or a low quality one. His face should be all black and I feel like his legs should be darker too, I don't know. Hopefully someone else will chime in.
He’s not lethargic for sure. Seems to be behaving normally, energetically ran out the coop door to prance around the yard. He does have two little white on his wing tips so low quality or mixed would make sense. It was just how suddenly his face turned super red, but maybe he’s just growing up?
He’s not lethargic for sure. Seems to be behaving normally, energetically ran out the coop door to prance around the yard. He does have two little white on his wing tips so low quality or mixed would make sense. It was just how suddenly his face turned super red, but maybe he’s just growing up?
He's probably not a pure breed or a low quality one so his face is turning red probably because he's getting older.

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