Ayam Cemani

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I've got 25 Cemani's right now. (Check ayamcemani.tumblr.com for photo's). The chickens above, posted by dvang3, are no Cemani's I am afraid. This breed is called 'Luikse Vechter'. Luik is a city in Belgium and 'Vechter' is Dutch for 'fighter'.

A picture for your reference: http://www.sle.be/static/images/rassen/Luikse vechter webSLE.jpg

Ayam Cemani's are supposed to be all black. The Luikse Vechter is a nice breed though, and even in Holland and Belgium quite rare.

Are you shipping to the US yet?
Hello, I am new to BYC...
I have only joined because of this thread !
I bought some (expensive!) Ayam Cemani last year, with a view to breeding. It turned out to be a bad year, flooding, and a dog attack lost me one of the trio, I managed to hatch 2 chicks, which died due to mosquito attacks. After that She didn't lay many eggs at all, and I got no more chicks.
I have read ALL the forum posts on this thread, and found it most interesting.... I would like to confirm a couple of things:

1. The hens lay a tinted egg, white with a slight hint of pink.
2. The breed originally became extinct, and was recreated, and reintroduced, Due to this, when breeding you will occasionally get a red-ish comb, or brown in the feathers.... This is a fault, and should NOT be bred with.
3. They do not lay many eggs, around 80 per year.
4 .The original breed did NOT have a rose comb.
5. The skin, flesh & bones ARE black/gray (like I said, dog attack!) The blood is RED.
6. They are not a big breed, somewhere in-between LF and banties.

My girl has just started laying again after winter, and I have also sourced 2 more hens :)
Here's hoping I have better luck this year.
Hope all your plans have been successful, and I look forward to hearing more from you all
Kind Regards

Oh I forgot to say, I am based in East Yorkshire, in the UK.
Hello all, I recieved word that I might have one of these girls out in China.
Here's the post I made about it:
EDIT: updated the link so it goes to the first post

I just read the eggs aer supposed to be pink, but I have a greed egg that has been getting a darker hue every lay.
Just a result of odd mixing with other breeds?
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Hi, I saw your comments regarding the Ayam Cemani on BackYard Chickens. Do you have eggs available? I probably won't be ready for them until much later in the year. How much for eggs?

Thank you so much. Karen
This a picture of one of my chicks you can see MY wedding ring on MY hand STONEUNHENGED you must really be UNHINGED
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