Ayam Cemani

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We dont have a rooster, so best we could do is crossbreed with a silkie.

One turned out all white.
Awww, its cute!

I have some Ayam Cemani crosses, and I would love to have a solid black rooster, as I dont currently have any solid black birds. I also have a white/cream colored rooster with black skin, not sure what im going to do with him, he looks cool, but I like the all black birds. My other rooster is BBR, the hens are also BBR-ish.
I also recently got a black sumatra hen to put in with them to help work on getting some solid black chicks.
Greenfire farm is about a hours drive south, but I havent contacted them yet, mostly because Im not able to spend alot of money on a rooster right now.
Those are clearly mutts. I wouldn't touch them with a 10 foot pole. You get what you pay for.
peter 1959, do you sell eggs from the ayam cemani chickens?
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I'm curious about these 'half cemanis' that are frequently mentioned in the US. We have pure cemanis on our farm, and I get emails all the time (and as recently as yesterday) from people who say they have a 'half cemani' hen and they're looking for a pure rooster. They never seem to have a 'half cemani' rooster. But, if they're really half cemanis then somewhere out there should be a full-blooded parent bird, and I haven't seen any evidence that the pure birds exist in the US with the exception of a lady in Georgia who has emailed me pictures of what appear to be pure chicks. Anyway, any thoughts on the source of all these half cemanis?

Here are a few pics I took yesterday of one of our roosters.

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