Ayam Cemani

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Are these Cemani from Cemani Farms eggs? Looks like they are growing up beautiful. How many do you have now....
I think I have about 40 birds now, two different blood lines none from Cemani farms yet.
Thanks for your good words.
OK I see that some people need to be educated when it comes to the Cemoni. This is Toni Marie. For the sake of knowing everyone Yes you can get a acassional white skin chick(about 5%). NO it does not mean they are mixed or cross with what ever.. And yes they can and do have white on them as chicks like every other black bird. Yes you can get diff degrees of skin color. You can get anything from a purpleish color, to black,and to grey like. The best Quality ones like the guy at cemoni farms says those are the blackest black ones. he also has regular quality witch is the ones I have but I also have the best quality ones he talks about. I have in know way sold anything crossed. They are " as is" when I got them. They are a land race fowl and are not breed for anything else but meat color.There fore the diff sizes. The blackest of black ones have been breed for many generations. So if anyone has any other questions you can ask me. Everyone in the Poultry world can tell you I have always breed and helped many many people with birds and most of the time I never even charged for them. So is there anything you want to talk to me about? Im here. I think people should know everything about the birds..Most people have the misconception that chicks are all black..NOT some like I said are black and white chick down and even have A few Juvie white feathers as chicks but molt it out by adulthood. Now that they are here to stay us Americans will do all kinds of things to them to Americanize them..Thats to bad. Like I was saying before they are a land race fowl. I have had these birds for about 6 years now. I do try to breed from only the darkest birds but you will get a degree of darkness... If you want to know something just ask. Many thanks. Toni-Marie. PS Sunvally the chicks in the pic are tipical Cemoni chicks although most seem to be darker..

I wonted to give you guys a update. Toni was right at 1 months old there already losing there white pigment skin it turning more black. I'm sure by 4-5 months they will be all black or almost all black.
Anyone knows how many breeders there are in the USA? Or how many blood lines there are here?
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