Aztec Ducks!

I have two call ducks not show type. I would like to have hens however everybody says they are way to noisy. So not in town. You have beautiful ducks , they would be perfect for pets in town if they aren't to noisy like the calls. I do not know if you came breed for that. I am absolutely in love with your ducks. Good luck with your breeding program , many of us will be interested in your progress.
I didnt know these still existed!
We're working hard in VT to bring these beautiful ducks back from the brink! Hoping to expand our small group of dedicated folks soon! The eggs we set, just before sharing with @Pyxis are developing well and hope to have our first hatch of 2020 around April 10! Check out our FB page for more info/pictures: Wilder Woods Vermont and Holiday Farm.
I have pips :pop

Unfortunately I also had about half of them just die in the shell, too. Opening them up showed that it was mostly malpositions that killed them. These eggs were shipped to me from another breeder, so shipping is the likely cause of all the malpositions.

But, maybe ducklings tomorrow!
I have pips :pop

Unfortunately I also had about half of them just die in the shell, too. Opening them up showed that it was mostly malpositions that killed them. These eggs were shipped to me from another breeder, so shipping is the likely cause of all the malpositions.

But, maybe ducklings tomorrow!
I was just thinking about the Aztecs today, wondering when they were supposed to hatch. I have calls in the bator making their way out now.
Do they hatch like standard ducks? Or are they fussy, like call ducks?
I was just thinking about the Aztecs today, wondering when they were supposed to hatch. I have calls in the bator making their way out now.
Do they hatch like standard ducks? Or are they fussy, like call ducks?

Well, three of the DIS were ones that internally pipped but had a foot over their head and couldn't externally pip and died. That bums me out, because had I known this was going on I could have saved those. But to the point, that's something I see a lot in Calls. Recently Aztecs were bred with Calls to improve genetic variability, and so they are less mallard-like than they should be, so this may be translating into being harder to hatch. Crossing back to mallards and breeding back to proper Aztec type will, hopefully, improve this.
Well, three of the DIS were ones that internally pipped but had a foot over their head and couldn't externally pip and died. That bums me out, because had I known this was going on I could have saved those. But to the point, that's something I see a lot in Calls. Recently Aztecs were bred with Calls to improve genetic variability, and so they are less mallard-like than they should be, so this may be translating into being harder to hatch. Crossing back to mallards and breeding back to proper Aztec type will, hopefully, improve this.
Ah, so they should be good, but that adorable call blood is messing with them.
They are hatched! And they need to be babied like Calls, lesson learned. I lost a couple that I thought were fine. One was malpositioned and wasn't actually internally pipped, it just looked like it. One started to zip, couldn't reach the shell part of the way around, blocked off its air, and suffocated, darn it.

But I've got ten hatched babies :)

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