B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

I bought a bunch from Ideal and I have to tell you, I'm more than a little impressed with their quality. I had asked for 25 straight run and they called and said they have 15 pullets. I told them that'd be great but I need at least one rooster. The one they sent is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I think these are the closest to show quality and healthiest chicks I've ever gotten from a hatchery. So cudos for Ideal with Silver/grey Dorkings.

I am expecting a shipment of Red Dorkings from Sandhill any day. VERY excited about these. I've wanted them for over 3 years now. I was on a trip to Jamestown, VA (LOVE HISTORY) and saw these for the first time. These are beautiful birds who look a LOT like fat squatty Welsummers. Of course they have 5 toes.

Love this breed so keep me in the breeder's loop!


Craigslist strikes again!


Rare Dorking cockerals (3 wks old) - $6 (Woodstock)

Date: 2010-09-15, 8:14PM EDT
Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]


3 Rare dorking cockerals for sale. They are 3 weeks old. I bought these eggs from a colored dorking breeder in Arizona. Only three of 12 eggs hatched and they are all cockerals, or at least that's how they look and act now. Two dorkings have 5 toes. I have a third who only has 4 toes, is rumpless, is smaller, and isn't feathering in as quickly but is still a pure bred dorking. Sometimes genetics go crazy. Must buy all three Dorks together.

Location: Woodstock
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 1956233374

Why, oh why, do I seach craigslist?

Edit: WHY is this bad? Because I highly suspect that same "breeder" sold ME eggs... which were I highly suspect were NOT pure dorkings- more like dorking crosses. She claimed they were from Sandhill and "Show" stock. I found out later she posted pics of other people's birds to sell hers. Egg colors ranged from brown to white. Toes - like above. Tail on a few even appeared downward like a cochin. Color mixed up. I had to cull all of them. Buyer beware.
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Black Breasted Red, if I remember correctly. She has lovely birds.
I'm in! Had one Silver grey but he was killed in July...want more
Love the temperment

Last year at the fair...took a second in Open division at 12 wks old

At 4 wks.. caught napping on the divider of the brooder

Punky Rooster...He was out of Jeanne Fingar's stock (Black Diamond Guest Ranch) by way of our hatchery ( Sterling Meadows) up here. He was starting to feather in and looking very good this year. I think he very well would have taken a first place this year.
Aww... peeps... he was a sweetie!
I'm so sorry. We'll have to see about hatching some more next year.

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