B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

I got a dozen Red Dorking hatching eggs from Dick Horstman last June. I only got 4 birds to hatch, three cockerals and a lone hen (P.O. destroyed the air cells in most eggs). I really enjoy the dorkings. Not only are they gorgeous, but they are nice full bodied birds. I was amazed when I picked up the roosters to have a closer look at them today. It had been a few weeks since I had held one, and boy had he put on some weight and width!

Anyway, I took some pics of them today. I couldn't get any good photos of the hen and what I consider to be the best young rooster: They were busy dust bathing every time I went out to try for pictures.

So, here is my little flock of Dorkings, which I plan on substantially adding to in the next 60 days.
Dust bathing as the Barred Rocks wait their turn.

Hanging out with the Ameraucanas and the layer flock girls.

This guy loves to hang out in the goose barn during the day. I always know where to find him.

From a couple weeks ago.

Here they were just a couple short months ago. It is amazing how they really start to fill out around 7-8 months!
I just got a email from Dick Horstman letting me know that he was shooting for the week of the 15th of April to ship my Red Dorkings. I am very much looking forward to getting the Red Dorking chicks from Mr Horstman.

Have a place away from the rest of your flock of birds to keep the birds you are showing, keep them away from the flock for about a month after the last show you are going to. I have a person by me that never shows his best birds, or birds he plans to breed from, if he takes a bird to a show he usually has it sold by the end of the show, lol. That would be a good way to get rid of your 2nds also.
Okay, I have a question.

How do people show their birds at poultry shows while maintaining biosecurity?

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