B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

Here's my Doris she so pretty ..3 months old
It has been quiet on many of the threads. Those salmon colored feathers on the breast are the way that you know that those are pullets. Cockerels will have black breast feathers. Enjoy them!

Thank you! I thought so. We ended up with 1 male - 3 females. Not bad.
You mean I've been sitting on them all day for nothing?!


Here's my Doris she so pretty ..3 months old
What a sweetie.
Hello my name is Susan Catt, I have recently been appointed to the region 3 directorship of the Dorking Breeders Club (the official Dorking club in America). The region consists of these states;
New Mexico
North Dakota
South Dakota

Please email me at [email protected] if you are a member or non member but an enthusiast, breeder, non breeder, show goer, or backyard Dorking lover. If you have an interest or need an answer about this wonderful heritage breed please feel free to ask. If I do not know the answer I will go to one or more of our long standing mentors to find it for you.

Once I locate our spread out Dorking folk in region 3 I would like to hold an online get together to talk about our birds and individuals interests. It would be awesome to meet each of you and hear your stories. Again my email is [email protected] and I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Remember you do not need to own Dorkings, if you are curious or just love the idea of the breed feel free to contact me. If you are a paid member of the Dorking Breeders Club and have concerns or information you would like to share, please contact me, lets get to the bottom of whatever it is.

I intend to make our region the model for the club and its other regions.

Susan Catt
Region 3 Director
Dorking Breeders Club
Colorado, CO
[email protected]
Hello my name is Susan Catt, I have recently been appointed to the region 3 directorship of the Dorking Breeders Club (the official Dorking club in America). The region consists of these states;
New Mexico
North Dakota
South Dakota

Please email me at [email protected] if you are a member or non member but an enthusiast, breeder, non breeder, show goer, or backyard Dorking lover. If you have an interest or need an answer about this wonderful heritage breed please feel free to ask. If I do not know the answer I will go to one or more of our long standing mentors to find it for you.

Once I locate our spread out Dorking folk in region 3 I would like to hold an online get together to talk about our birds and individuals interests. It would be awesome to meet each of you and hear your stories. Again my email is [email protected] and I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Remember you do not need to own Dorkings, if you are curious or just love the idea of the breed feel free to contact me. If you are a paid member of the Dorking Breeders Club and have concerns or information you would like to share, please contact me, lets get to the bottom of whatever it is.

I intend to make our region the model for the club and its other regions.

Susan Catt
Region 3 Director
Dorking Breeders Club
Colorado, CO
[email protected]

Hi Susan,
Sounds like a fabulous idea, but I am in Washington. Is my regional director doing something similar?
We are putting together new director as we speak. I will know more about your region in the next days and will let you know and give you a contact.

;) Susan
The Dorking Breeder's Club is in the process of getting going again. Here is the message from the club Secretary, Jimmy Parker, from the recent newsletter.

"Hello fellow Dorking enthusiasts. I think spring is finally here. I never thought it
would make it. The club continues to grow. We are in the beginning stages and we will
continue to get stronger with your help. Craig Russell has volunteered to fill the
Presidency roll. We still need a Vice President and directors. Our President will make
our day to day decisions to make us a successful club. The Vice President will back up
the President and know his/her duties. They will also help develop a welcome pack for
new members so we can help them feel welcome when they join the club. The Directors
will help with placing meets throughout their districts. So I ask that you, the member,
volunteer for some of these open jobs. I must apologize as I recall some of you did get in
touch with me. A email server problem (Hacker) had me reset my email and I lost
months of correspondence."

Susan Catt has taken the position of Region 3 Director, but to my knowledge the other Directorships have not been filled yet.

here's a map of the various regions, if you might be interested in this.
(to be added later, byc's not letting me post pictures again)
I am waiting to here back about an applicant who has stepped forward to be Region 2 director, as soon as I hear that they have been appointed I will post here to let you know.
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SusanCatt, what a warm and inviting greeting you've put out for everyone in region 3. I'm not part of your region, but I think you deserve a huge thank you! From the point of view of someone like me... Someone with a lot to learn just getting involved in a world I know little about... Your greeting sets a newbie at ease. You make it okay to be less than an expert and invite everyone with open arms. I hope whoever gets directorship in Michigan is as warm and welcoming as you!

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