B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

I don't have any yet, but I have ordered 10 from them slated to arrive in April! I am so excited! I have a red dorking rose comb roo I plan to breed for creole!
I have 7 in the inci from these two! Looking good to hatch the 1 of march!


I have a batch of Sand Hill Dorkings, turn five months old this Tues (Feb 21). FOUND MY FIRST EGG TODAY!!! But I'm not excited, of course not, it's only one little pullet egg, right??

Since they're so young, and its the dead of winter still, I didn't expect eggs until at least March or April. Only the color was a surprise...I've read that Dorking eggs are a tinted white egg, ranging from creamy to a light tan...this one is much lighter than the brown that my red sex links lay, but if I saw it without knowing where it came from, I would just say it's a brown egg. There are a couple of Orpingtons in the flock, same age, but I don't think they laid it.

I went out and did the morning chicken care, fed, took the waterer to freshen it...no egg. When I came back, five minutes later, with the water, there was the egg, on top of a small Tupperware containter I have out there...two hens on top of the container, both Dorkings...several roos zeroing in on this interesting object, just barely beginning to investigate with beaks - thank goodness I got it first! Of course, all roos but one will go soon...gotta call the processor guy and then decide which roo to keep. I was hoping to post photos and have y'all help me decide but may not have time, now. Gotta get the DH to build the nest boxes, too...woulda urged it for today but he's got a stomach virus, so I guess I'll try to be patient. Put an apple crate out there for now but it won't keep the boys out.

That little egg is so tiny next to the monsters my sex links lay - it's too cute! Gonna give it to a friend for her nine year old daughter.
I can't seem to get onto the Dorking Breeders Club website tonight for some reason, so I'll ask ya'll: What color earlobes are Dorkings supposed to have? I have one with pure bright white, a few have pure red, and the rest are red around the edges fading to whitish in the center. (All the eggs I've gotten so far are from white to very pale cream, as they should be.)


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