B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

I wanna answer but I only have eggs coming.

So I will tell you anyway!



Well, when they come, please let me know what color your Colored Dorking eggs are...OK? hehehehehe

I sure will.
A Leghorn's egg is pure white. We should use that to define white. So if they're darker or "less white" than a Leghorn or white grocery store egg (remember what THEY'RE like??) then they're NOT white.

My husband thinks that our Dorking eggs are white. I'll have to look up La Fleche eggs..... OK. La Fleche eggs are that creamy beige with a pinkish hue? Pretty color.
i have silver grey dorks but dont know the color of the eggs yet
im still waiting for them to start. which may not be for a while although 1 is showing signs of being close to starting but im currently at the end of our laying season.
Are you coming into winter there? Dorkings usually lay well in the winter months. Good thing, because it's really cold here 5 or 6 months of the year & MAN do we get snow!! How old are your Dorkings?
yea here in new zealand we are at the start of autumn & i can def tell the temp diff now.
they are roughly about 26 weeks old there is a pic of them taken a couple of days ago pg 41, post 412
one is getting closer she has grown a comb & wattles & is quite red compared to the other pullet.
Ahh... yes, I remember your beauties! They should start laying soon!

Ours were hatched in April or May -- two years ago. I'd have to dig out that year's hatching calendar to say exactly when. They started laying in the fall & layed all winter, no problem.
Well I've only got two eggs so far but yes, they are white. Not chalk white but I wouldn't call them anything other than white. Defiantly not tinted, not even ivory. They are SG's and I'll keep you posted if i get something other than white when all 3 are laying.
White grocery store eggs??? Never seen those! All store eggs here are brown.

Hang in there Raven, can't be much longer. My girls are 23wo so yours should be laying really soon.
Well I've only got two eggs so far but yes, they are white. Not chalk white but I wouldn't call them anything other than white. Defiantly not tinted, not even ivory. They are SG's and I'll keep you posted if i get something other than white when all 3 are laying.
White grocery store eggs??? Never seen those! All store eggs here are brown.
Hang in there Raven, can't be much longer. My girls are 23wo so yours should be laying really soon.

See, ya learn something new everyday!
I never saw brown eggs in stores growing up. My silly mother will only eat the white grocery store eggs!! Noah just did a Time magazine cover as an art/social studies piece. The kids could pick any topic, but they had to do their own research. He did his on Factory farmed eggs versus family farms!
We're gonna send it to my Mom!
I'd also like to see where people got their Dorkings from, curious to see whether from hatchery or private breeder or have you been breeding so long that your lines are nowyour own...

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