B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

Where is is stock from? I found him earlier this week in a couple different places?

Oh - btw - I'm setting 50 dorking eggs today
:) Reds, Coloreds and Silvers

Happy Bunny I am!
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

That is very awesome! I'm glad SOMEONE is hatching Dorks!!

Renee, I like the way you think.
I'm going to print your post to keep for future reference. However, in order to keep family peace I do believe I'm going to go with RBF's RIRxSG for the sexlinks. I am two breeding pens short as it is, and I don't need another project right now (hubby's not buying the "what's one more breed?" argument anymore)
So if I can at least sex the chicks at birth, I'm one step ahead of the game. But later... it is ON! I love crele too, and the idea of making my own is tempting, so tempting!!

Thank you for all the ideas. I think I'm going to put her in with the RC RIR roo... more room, and with our winters, the more RC chicks I have the better.
to you all!

And today begins the collection of Reds for you Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain
Where is is stock from? I found him earlier this week in a couple different places?

Oh - btw - I'm setting 50 dorking eggs today
:) Reds, Coloreds and Silvers

Happy Bunny I am!

He said some were from Murray McMurry hatchery, some from a breeder who got his from someone not on the internet. I honestly don't recall where that breeder was from, but I'll ask again & take notes! He sounded knowledgeable and went through what most of us did to get them. We'll know more when they grow out... I hope they all hatch! I found him on bidbird while looking for paint silkies. I always do a search for paint & dorking when I look at the poultry auction sites.

I'm so glad you're sending eggs to Tori! I was thinking we might need to start "Operation Alaska" and all send her eggs!

I hope your 50 hatch too!!!! That just sounds like a dream to me!
That's a thought... I have three hens, one red, two SG. And only one rooster, so I can't even swap him out for another Dork.
So, if I put her in another pen, my choices of roosters are:
1: Rose Comb RIR
2: Single Comb RIR
3: Barred Rock
4: Black Copper Marans
5: Blue English Orpington
6: Lavender Orpington

Which would you choose? I'm thinking Red Dorking hen with one of the RIRs...

I usually wait until 2 weeks. But when you have a tray of 50+ eggs, and they're all developed at day 7 except those darn see-through white eggs...

First ------ Please realize that I'm a "radical" and only think outside the box! Frankly -- I don't even believe in the box.

If you're just testing for fertility, any of the roosters would work.

RC RIR over the red hen would be good for the comb & general coloring. It looks a little more complicated than I thought in the chicken calculator.

Barred Rock --- wouldn't be the perfect choice for this, but it could be done --- Put him over a SG hen to start a cuckoo Dorking project. You'll have to breed out the leg color, select for type, etc. But why not? They're ridiculously hard to find. Here, we're going to use Dominique.

Barred Rock over the red girl would be the start of a Crele project.
I love Crele!

Young Master Noah suggests, "Make Lavender Dorkings!"
The Dorking was one of the breeds used to create Orpingtons. It's actually not a difficult cross... I would use the Red girl, not SG. After you cross back the F1s you'll have options -- solid lavender or isabel, which is going to be a very popular color in the next few years. We'll also be trying this one here. Part of Noah's theory to repopularize the Dorking is to create excitement by making new colors that people really want -- which will bring the Dorking back into the spotlight. Crazier things have been known to happen!
See??? Told ya I'm a radical!

If you are going to use a Barred Rock buy your eggs/chicks from Kathy from MO. I just went down and saw her chickens and they were by far the prettiest BRs I've ever EVER seen and I have seen a lot of BRs. If you are going to use them to perpetuate the Dorkings use the best!!!!!
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That is very awesome! I'm glad SOMEONE is hatching Dorks!!

Renee, I like the way you think.
I'm going to print your post to keep for future reference. However, in order to keep family peace I do believe I'm going to go with RBF's RIRxSG for the sexlinks. I am two breeding pens short as it is, and I don't need another project right now (hubby's not buying the "what's one more breed?" argument anymore)
So if I can at least sex the chicks at birth, I'm one step ahead of the game. But later... it is ON! I love crele too, and the idea of making my own is tempting, so tempting!!

Thank you for all the ideas. I think I'm going to put her in with the RC RIR roo... more room, and with our winters, the more RC chicks I have the better.
to you all!

And today begins the collection of Reds for you Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain

You guys are going to make me cry....
I've been trying (not so patiently) for 3 years, almost 4 now, to get this breed going up here. I'm not going to count my chickens before they hatch, but your help may be the turning point! Thank you!

I put one of my SGs in my sexlink pen with the RC RIR roo... got an egg yesterday, but the girl I picked lays really small eggs. Like pullet eggs. I don't know if they'll be good to set or not, but at least if they're fertile I'll know it's my roo. I will
if my roo is the problem...
First ------ Please realize that I'm a "radical" and only think outside the box! Frankly -- I don't even believe in the box.

If you're just testing for fertility, any of the roosters would work.

RC RIR over the red hen would be good for the comb & general coloring. It looks a little more complicated than I thought in the chicken calculator.

Barred Rock --- wouldn't be the perfect choice for this, but it could be done --- Put him over a SG hen to start a cuckoo Dorking project. You'll have to breed out the leg color, select for type, etc. But why not? They're ridiculously hard to find. Here, we're going to use Dominique.

Barred Rock over the red girl would be the start of a Crele project.
I love Crele!

Young Master Noah suggests, "Make Lavender Dorkings!"
The Dorking was one of the breeds used to create Orpingtons. It's actually not a difficult cross... I would use the Red girl, not SG. After you cross back the F1s you'll have options -- solid lavender or isabel, which is going to be a very popular color in the next few years. We'll also be trying this one here. Part of Noah's theory to repopularize the Dorking is to create excitement by making new colors that people really want -- which will bring the Dorking back into the spotlight. Crazier things have been known to happen!
See??? Told ya I'm a radical!

If you are going to use a Barred Rock buy your eggs/chicks from Kathy from MO. I just went down and saw her chickens and they were by far the prettiest BRs I've ever EVER seen and I have seen a lot of BRs. If you are going to use them to perpetuate the Dorkings use the best!!!!!

Dave... I'm using Dominiques from NYREDS show winning stock. I'm a terrible chicken snob!!! Going for the rosecomb for Central NY winters. We get snow like Tori does!
From what I've read, Doms are in the original recipe for cuckoo. I also read that it's what Craig Russell used for the same cross and white sport Doms for the white Dorkings.
First ------ Please realize that I'm a "radical" and only think outside the box! Frankly -- I don't even believe in the box.

If you're just testing for fertility, any of the roosters would work.

RC RIR over the red hen would be good for the comb & general coloring. It looks a little more complicated than I thought in the chicken calculator.

Barred Rock --- wouldn't be the perfect choice for this, but it could be done --- Put him over a SG hen to start a cuckoo Dorking project. You'll have to breed out the leg color, select for type, etc. But why not? They're ridiculously hard to find. Here, we're going to use Dominique.

Barred Rock over the red girl would be the start of a Crele project.
I love Crele!

Young Master Noah suggests, "Make Lavender Dorkings!"
The Dorking was one of the breeds used to create Orpingtons. It's actually not a difficult cross... I would use the Red girl, not SG. After you cross back the F1s you'll have options -- solid lavender or isabel, which is going to be a very popular color in the next few years. We'll also be trying this one here. Part of Noah's theory to repopularize the Dorking is to create excitement by making new colors that people really want -- which will bring the Dorking back into the spotlight. Crazier things have been known to happen!
See??? Told ya I'm a radical!

If you are going to use a Barred Rock buy your eggs/chicks from Kathy from MO. I just went down and saw her chickens and they were by far the prettiest BRs I've ever EVER seen and I have seen a lot of BRs. If you are going to use them to perpetuate the Dorkings use the best!!!!!

She (Kathy) is going to hatch me out some silkies and so I will get to see all of her lovelies in person in about 3 weeks.
I set another 6 SG eggs today, too sad to have one Easter chick growing up alone so I hope these develop.

On a brighter note, I rounded up eggs this morning, go back a little later and there are two, yes two snow white eggs! I have two Dorkings laying now.

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