B.Y.C. Dorking Club!


Count me in - I'm ready to help on all "fronts"
She is very pretty. Is the dark grey a variety?
Almost the same feather pattern but darker, hmm .....but no peach chest.
The SGD that don't have a peach chest are not bred here. It is a fault. Not sure why it pops up but it does in, say, 5 in 100 birds.

I've read some breeder info about the Dorkings on a UK site. Very interesting.
BTW my Dorking hens are starting to go broody. They are known for that and make excellenct mothers or surrogate mothers.

Teri's stock originally came from Sandhill. Here is their dark grey description:

Dark Grey Dorking: Slightly variable in color, but similar to Dark Brahmas in color. Chicks $6.00 each (10)

I think it is a fluke. The Dorking Breeders Club doesn't mention anything about a Dark Grey Dorking.

Teri's stock originally came from Sandhill. Here is their dark grey description:

Dark Grey Dorking: Slightly variable in color, but similar to Dark Brahmas in color. Chicks $6.00 each (10)

I think it is a fluke. The Dorking Breeders Club doesn't mention anything about a Dark Grey Dorking.


You're right! No reference to the Dark Grey on the US or UK site linked to ours.

Here: The Book of Poultry There is reference to the Dark grey Dorking in this chapter.

It was posted on the Yahoo Dorking Group & I posted it here yesterday. I've recently started moderating the yahoo group. Jen's discription is from Sandhill's website.
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Thank you for the information and links. It is interesting about the Dark Grey Dorking. I have relatives in the UK and they have had dorkings for years. They say a lot of people do over there have them.

At the last poultry swap, nobody bought the Quennel Lake SG Dorking eggs, so I did

I am going to put three dozen under my broodies.
Might have to build another chicken coop
What the UK breeders call "dark" is what we would call colored. I won't get into the various colors that the colored females can be but they are not all the same even if coming from and producing proper males. Craig Russell has always said "dark birchen gray" and this is a crowinged color. There are also silver grays with very definite hackle striping in the males and the hens are not the soft, stippled color of the Standard silver grays. Dorkings are like games; there are a lot of old, legitimate colors when considering the breed that did not make it into the APA SOP. It does not mean that these colors are wrong, just that they are not in the Standard. Anyone who has seen a flock of clay colored (wheaton) out on grass couldn't possibly say there is anything wrong with them. And they are an old and historic Dorking color.
Good to know! I've never seen clay colored Dorkings that I know of. Is that the same as what's being called tawny? I'm having a hard enough time getting all the colors in the APA SOP! I would think there would need to be a certain number of flocks to add to the standard, but I could be wrong. Are they fairly common? I mean as far as Dorkings go
not common like buff Orps!

If anyone hears of a breeder with Cuckoo Dorkings, please send me the info!
Welome to my obsession! There are a bunch of us here similarly infected by the Dorking bug, so you're in good company!

There are many Dorking colors that are not accepted by the APA, so they're non-standard colors. That doesn't make them any less Dorking. The Dorking has been around for over 2000 years - there have been many colors over those years!

Our Red Dorkings came from Terri, whose ebay auction you posted. Her other current auction is for light colored Dorkings. Noah's faorite hen, Akasha, is one of Terri's "light grey" Dorkings & she is a sweetie! She appears to be incomplete columbian with a patterned gene -- that's the closest I could come to her type in the Chicken Calculator. The last chicks hatched from her are feathering in with really interesting patterns, but I want to see what she produces. I can't wait to try her with other colors, like white & Silver Grey. I may order more light Dorkings from Terri, to see if maybe I'll get a cuckoo out of the batch!

Have you checked out the Official Dorking Breeders Club or the Yahoo Dorking group, yet? They're not yet as active as the BYC club, but we're trying to change that. I'm now moderating the yahoo group & have my hat in the ring for VP of the official DBC. I check in on both sites a few times a day. As more people get into Dorkings, the groups should get more active, but you will find some really good info already on the official site.

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