B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

I am new to Dorkings (hatching our 1st this week), but in my experience RIR are usually meaner than other breeds. We breed Dominiques and our roosters are generally docile, unless you mess with their girls (but it is their job to protect them, so that is understandable). Hope this helps, maybe some of the more experienced Dorking folks will chime in.

So far here, the Dorkings have been the best roosters -- other than one Silkie boy who's a total lap roo. If we have guests, we let the Dorkings free range because they're nice & we know they're not going to attack anyone! One of our Orp boys will be culled as soon as I have a good replacement. Our Ameraucanas are great, but all but the Whites are a bit flighty & excitable. Our Dominiques are too young to tell, but seem nice so far.

The Dorking roos definitely take good care of their women! I also let the "teenagers" in the grow-out pen go out for the first time with them. They're good babysitters for the big chicks.
It's the easiest pen - again other than silkies - to blend in the youngsters.

Whatever breed you get, there may be some roosters that are more agressive than others. I was recently bitten & badly bruised by a Silkie!

I found SG chicks!!!!!!!!!!! I'm picking up 8 this weekend! I messed up & put the Hamburg show on the wrong date in my planner.
So I missed it & am bumming.
Ok Renee, I have been patiently waiting for you to post pics.

Where are they?

ok, so maybe not patiently
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Sorry! Too much work & stuff going on with the kids! I'll try to separate them & take pics after Glee!

Whenever is fine.
I just really wanted to let you know I wanted to see them.
I have found Dorking cocks to be rather docile, while still being cocky enough to make them interesting. I have zero concern with them around my young nephews. Of course, you need to be sure of each rooster, i.e. he shows no sign of being a man0fighter, which can occur in ANY breed.

On another note, I'm not a big believer in the rooster-defender, rather the rooster-alarm-giver. A cock can't actually do much against predators when it comes down to it.

We have a rule about reds here--there are none for the very reason of aggression.
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12 Eggs will be dropped off at the PO at lunch today - got swamped with work on Friday, and we were out of town over the weekend...

I'm SO sorry for your loss!

Maybe you are supposed to become a master breeder of FANTASTIC silver greys!?!

Got them!!! I'm so excited!!!!


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