B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

I am actually thinking of ordering a slew of McMurry chicks myself, as I have a bunch of Heritage MEAT orders to fill :) Ordering extras of course, so I can keep the GOOD ONES :)

I agree on the "girl" call, based on both pictures. What does the Dorking Queen think? (aka Tigerlilly :)

Get that chickie a pink bow!
Definitely a girl. Very cute too! I have SGs from the same line.

Queen??? hehehehehehehe... too funny! Just a civil servant & Dorking Yenta.

Shelly, I give extra vitamins (B complex liquid) when they're small. But the Silver Greys are supposed to be the most hardy variety.

Ooh! I have B complex!! How much do you give them? Do you notice a difference? I wonder if it would help my Junior?
Jen, your babies are robust and active... I am very pleased.
I will get a pic here pretty soon. Renee, you have no idea what you started when you filled the box with Orpies... a local friend got a mottled lavender by mistake in a shipped order from a breeder, and I'm pretty sure we have a matched set between them.
The frenzy is ON!! giggle!! The final tally was 2 blacks, 1 lavender, and 1 mot lav. BEAUTIFUL babies... y'all take very good care of your breeders if the health of the chicks is a good indicator.
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

Get that chickie a pink bow!
Definitely a girl. Very cute too! I have SGs from the same line.

Queen??? hehehehehehehe... too funny! Just a civil servant & Dorking Yenta.

Shelly, I give extra vitamins (B complex liquid) when they're small. But the Silver Greys are supposed to be the most hardy variety.

Ooh! I have B complex!! How much do you give them? Do you notice a difference? I wonder if it would help my Junior?
Jen, your babies are robust and active... I am very pleased.
I will get a pic here pretty soon. Renee, you have no idea what you started when you filled the box with Orpies... a local friend got a mottled lavender by mistake in a shipped order from a breeder, and I'm pretty sure we have a matched set between them.
The frenzy is ON!! giggle!! The final tally was 2 blacks, 1 lavender, and 1 mot lav. BEAUTIFUL babies... y'all take very good care of your breeders if the health of the chicks is a good indicator.

I put a dropperful in the waterer the first week then cut back to half. I have lower chick mortality & it helps if any hatch with curled toes. (Curled toes I treat with drops on the beak & in the waterer.)

Glad you're enjoying the Orps.
Wait till you see the mottled grow out!
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

Want me to come up and help? I'm dying for a trip to Alaska...

Yes please!
It's beautiful right now, too... 60°F, sunny, light breeze... everything is budding out and the lawn (term "lawn" used loosely here) is starting to turn more green than brown.
Fishing season has just begun, and I haven't seen the stars for a week now.

I wish I could drop things and come. I need to plan to help you next year. When is your high season? You can recruit me during that time. Fishing season??? I live in the middle of the continent so fishing season for me is catfishing under the bridge down the street. LOL

April - June is the worst of it... It's slowing down to a little more manageable, but there are ALWAYS pens to clean! LOL! ...but the snow isn't all gone until late May, and the salmon are starting the early runs. We're about an hour and a half from Homer, which is the halibut capital.
You'll be ruined for catfish after catching salmon or halibut up here.
Sounds like a wonderful trip next year. It ain't snowing here but it is darn cold today... Usually, on Memorial Day we are sweating and turning on the AC. Today, I have the heat on. LOL

I'm sure nothing like Alaska but still, a record for us...


Edited to add this info:

Have you thought of bringing the Icelandic bird up to Alaska? It was created to endure harsh winters. There is a woman here in Missouri who is raising them. You might consider having her send eggs. Also, if I do get to come up next year, I could bring a dozen with me.
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Actually, there is someone north of Anchorage that is raising them.
We have a pretty close/tight-knit chicken community up here, so we try not to raise the same thing that other people are raising. One gal has Norwegian Jaerhons, another is getting the Coronation Sussex, I have the Dorkings and BBS/Lav Orpingtons, a few others specialize in bantams... I hear the Icelandics are very cool birds though.

Heck, it's 60°F here now, but I'm sweating and it feels like 90F. Great weekend to be out on the water!!
Sound good.... I sure want to start some soon. I am sure finding some in Washington state might be a challenge.

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