B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

In fact I am often left in somewhat of a conundrum when it comes to shows as I want the SGD to be represented but i am also aware that other breeders will look at my birds and not recognizing how rare they are think that I am a poor poultry breeder. I finally made the decision a while ago that I am going to show them anyway as long as the bird does not have a disqualification. That said I still get annoyed when i overhear talk putting my SGDs and stew pot in the same sentence. Makes me want to make some snide comment about their tiny little chicken that they paid $200 dollars for not being worth the $3 they spent to enter it, if it were anywhere except the showroom. Well thats enough of me ranting.
I agree! LOL I plan to show all I can, as long as there's no serious DQ. but then again, i don't have many shows in easy range that i'm aware of right now, so my first (and possibly only?) show this year will be the first ever poultry show for the carroll county virginia fair. they've never done one, i've never done one... ought to be a complete disaster in the making. lol

i hope to attend at least a few before hand tho, so I know what i'm up against.

and the correct comment i think, in your case, would be... "you paid HOW MUCH?! wow that wouldn't even make a decent hors d'oeuvre."
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I am really sorry if I gave the impression that I did not respect the work the Dorking Breeders are doing to preserve and improve the Dorking breed. Almost all Heritage Breeds need work. I am following the Heritage RIR thread and they admit they need to work on them too. Working with any of the Heritage Breeds is a long term commitment now and I am in Awe of all the breeders working on them.


Keep up the good work!
I am really sorry if I gave the impression that I did not respect the work the Dorking Breeders are doing to preserve and improve the Dorking breed. Almost all Heritage Breeds need work. I am following the Heritage RIR thread and they admit they need to work on them too. Working with any of the Heritage Breeds is a long term commitment now and I am in Awe of all the breeders working on them.


Keep up the good work!
hope you didn't take my response wrong. i agree all straight hatchery stock has a tendency to leave some things to be desired. but that being said, you do find the occasional hatchery bird that has many redeeming qualities. my big guy, i got second hand. he was from mcmurray. yes his comb has 4 points, he has grey scattered in his breast, and he's duckfooted. BUT! he's huge! he's shaped like a dorking, and has a dorking's wonderful personality. and some of his chicks are coming out better than either himself or his hens. THAT says tons to me. the genetics are there, it's just a matter of finding the right mix to get them to show up again. now i just need to figure out which hen that is, and hatch more from her. tho the other will stay in the mix too, as her chicks do have nice type and such, just not the size of the others.

I have 1 hen that is from mcmurray lines also, that hatched from shipped eggs. her hatchmate, a cockerel, had bronzed wings and poor type. she is wonderful. no good pics right now, but take joe's white hens and put a silver grey coat on them. IMO that's what she looks like. (but her tail set is a bit higher than correct...)

so it's all there, the pieces and parts we want. and it's up to us to assemble the jigsaw puzzle.

i actually see my reds and coloreds as being more of a challenge right now, but i *MIGHT* be getting a decent red cock in the not-too-distant future.

Welcome to the dorking discussion Lino. i am interested to hear about what the dorkings are like in germany. What is the most common variety (color) there?
Hello poultrypalacewhidbey,

most of the German Dorking are Silvergrey or a darker variety of Silvergrey (silberwildfarbig/ dunkel), as mine are, too. There are also some Reds (Rotbraun/ Goldhalsig) and only very few Whites and Cuckoo.
In Germany the Colored variety is not recognized. I wonder whether the Coloreds are known in England?



YAY! my chickies are here.

i ordered 10 red, 10 colored and 5 silver grey, i got 13 red, 11 colored and 3 silver grey. (i allowed swap on only the sg's, so glad they gave me red and colored extra)

they're all tucked in and fed and watered. man they were thirsty babies. no losses *knock on wood*

now i just have to wait and see which come out as what. LOL having a hard time telling some of them apart.
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I want to show the Dorkings I plan to purchase. Which colors are accepted for showing? I have been reading conflicting information, and would like to have it clarified before I buy my chicks.

APA recognized colors are silver grey, red, colored, cuckoo and rose comb white.

i recommend checking out http://dorkingbreedersclub.webs.com as there is a lot of info about the various varieties there.
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Hello poultrypalacewhidbey,

most of the German Dorking are Silvergrey or a darker variety of Silvergrey (silberwildfarbig/ dunkel), as mine are, too. There are also some Reds (Rotbraun/ Goldhalsig) and only very few Whites and Cuckoo.
In Germany the Colored variety is not recognized. I wonder whether the Coloreds are known in England?




Coloreds used to be known in England but everything nowadays seems to be too much on the silver side and more along the lines of what we might call "dark" Dorkings. There's a lovely hen from England posted and discussed a ways back.

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