BA Hen or ROO?


8 Years
Jul 20, 2012
Lancaster Ohio

this one is a hen I almost positive. Note the cone size.

This is suppose to be the first pics sister but I have doubts!

I know it is early yet but this is the first time I have ever had this breed

This ones cone is so much bigger than its sister.

I haven't heard any crows yet but it makes different noises than it's sister. Anyone have any clue at 8 weeks old? I really want this to be a hen!
All of them except the last I'm 98% positive are hens. The last one might very well be a rooster.
Hello there are only 2 of them and the first pic is a hen I don't doubt that one. The rest of the pics are of the same bird! I was in the pen with them and I used the flash the last pic I took obviously from outside the pen, with no flash. I think that is why the color of the feathers looks so different, the flash was highlighting colors you don't really see with the naked eye.
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At 8 weeks old, no one's screaming rooster to me. This breed's boys usually aren't shy about announcing themselves.
They both look like pullets to me. I hope for your sake that I'm right. :eek:)
Me too! But the behavior makes me even more doubtful!

The pic above shows both my BA's and my sweetie golden buff. they are all 12 weeks old now.

I believe this one above is a hen.

well here we are again at 12 weeks old still no crowing but I still have doubts on it being a hen.

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