BA or Jersey Giant?

Wah! Nugget's feet are BRIGHT yellow. Like school bus yellow! It looks like I have a JG on my hands.
Nella, thanks for the photos. They really helped. Your Roo is huge!
Now, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Nugget ends up being a SHE.
Thanks everyone!
Monkey, my 3 month old roo is already bigger than all of the regular full sized hens I have ever seen. Here is a blurry picture that shows his size a little better.


I need to measure but I think he is getting close to 2 feet tall, standing up straight, measuring from the ground to the top of his head. Keep in mind, I am a full grown, average sized adult.
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2 feet tall at 3 months? Oh WOW! At that rate, Nugget will be giving my boxers a run for their money in not too long! Thanks so much Nella!

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